I recently purchased "Combatting cult mind control" the book by Steve Hassen and found it very enlightening. Upon the conclusion of that book I did realise once and for all that I was indeed a victim of mind control and that the Organisation of Jehovahs Witnesses certainly qualifies as a "Destructive cult" The book was of special interest to me, beacuse it was not written by an ex JW , but by an ex moonie, thus the information is not biased, being particularly written for ex JWs.
The similarities of the dubs and the moonies are quite eerie, although there are some differences. I was thinking about lending it to my JW family. There would really be no reason to refuse reading it as it has no mention of JW's and is certainly not written by an ex member. Any idea what my family would say? Has anyone tried this before? Has anyone gotten a dub to read any cult book at all, and what was the result of that? Advise please, I would appreciate it.