Another Elder has developed amnesia.

by umbertoecho 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer
    This elder's memory lapse is not credible. From 25 years ago he could remember a man was guilty of looking up someone's skirt but he could not recall what the same man did that left him believing he was guilty of child molestation. The man is a liar insofar as I can tell. The whole Watchtower system is loaded with rot from one end to the other.
  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer
    Oh, and the questioning about letting the pervert go home and live in the same house with his other two smaller children was just spot on. Watchtower does not give a hoot about protecting children. Not one hoot. Watchtower is a business. It's run like a business, and it's run to protect that business.
  • Vidiot

    Stupid if they do, heartless if they don't.

    I gotta say, I do not envy these guys.

  • OrphanCrow

    Monty Baker's lawyer had questioned DeRooy about if he had not read the statements because they would be viewed as apostate material.

    That was a critical question - the elders have been coached heavily - probably heavily indoctrinated with Bible verses that tell them not to betray their brothers, and not to listen to those who speak out against Jehovah. it is all those stupid Bible indoctrination scriptures that are getting in the way of the testimony. The ones on how to view apostates and such, keeping the congregation clean, etc.

    They "don't recall" when it might be construed as "turning in your brother" and they don't read the statements because they have been counselled "not to listen to those who lie about Jehovah's organization".

    The JWs have been coached as to which bible principles to follow when testifying. And to follow the bible law. They have no concept of "truth". They may not have read the statements, but it is pretty obvious that they have been told what is in them and how to respond to key parts of the victims testimony. And which bible verses to keep in mind.

    Maybe that is what the hand signals from the WT lawyers mean - maybe they signal certain bible principle to follow, key bible verses that apply to that part of the testimony.

  • Vidiot

    The degree of self-censorship would give Aldous Huxley panic attacks.

  • OrphanCrow

    Can you just imagine the kind of coaching and preparation they got? The Bible principles and scriptures they were to follow would have been made very clear to them. The WTS "rules". Reinforced with appropriate Bible verses, would have been integral in their preparation. They would have taken the time out to study those directions carefully.

    Careful Bible study - it is all they know how to do. The Scriptures as directed to them to study. That is how they prepared. Exactly the way they have been trained. "Read these scriptures, brothers...and repeat after me...I swear to tell the truth you (oops...Jehovah) want me to..."

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