subliminal pictures in WT publications

by In_between_days 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • In_between_days

    A recent thread got me quite interested in this, as I was amazed to hear that some people have seen "demonic" looking picture in dub publications; I do remember being shown by a dub in the Revelatiopn book a picture of Jehovah (or jesus, i cant remember ) smashing something with a big rod, adn there is a hideous lloking claw, reaching up trying to grap the stick (or sceptre I cant remember what it was) sorry if this post is really incoherant, I just had two double vodkas with vanilla coke!!


    Anyway, I was quite astonished ot read that others have seen other images. What im after in this thread is a list of where people have seen these images and in what publications; I remember showing this certain picture to my family and them saying "Are you really trying to tell me that Jehovah would allow the demons to do this in his publications
    Sure looked like a demonic claw to me, though!

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    Hi there in_between_days,

    Check out this link:

    I'm sure that you and the others will find it to be quite a "revelation". Maybe the WT Society will just suggest that it is only "symbolic"???

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother Not Exerting Vigorously)

  • Nordic

    Ther is also a book written about the subject.

    Jehova's Witnesses & The Hour Of Darkness.

    Darek Barefoot.

    When you think of how evil some of the old fart's of the GB and the elder's are. The pictures fits very well.

  • searcher

    If the Watchtower put the images in the pictures.........................WHY ?

    If a disgruntled or misguided artist put them there........................WHAT WAS GOD THE EDITOR DOING ? HAVING AN OFF DAY ?


  • SpannerintheWorks

    I'm sorry, but it's really stretching it to suggest that the examples given in the quoted website are what they say they are!

    Examine any artwork for long enough and your imagination will find all sorts of "images"!


  • Pleasuredome


    listen to lies long enough and your imagination will begin to believe them too.

  • Motema Bolingo
    Motema Bolingo

    Hello "In_between_days" !

    Go to my site :

    and open the door ...

    The text is in French, but the pictures do not need long explanation.


  • mitch

    we all can see images of what ever you want in any picture. look at the picture here on the right. this is a real foto of the launch of a rocket. these things happen in is a real demons head, clearly, wich nobody faked.

    usualy they paint pictures from a foto, so you get all the lightning details also, and there is to find every shape you want in it.

    greetings mitch

    Edited by - mitch on 9 November 2002 9:31:50

  • Blueblades

    In_between_days, The WT.Sept 1,1984,pg.20. Would you spread a rumor?" Even the WT.Society's publications have ben subject of rumors---for example,that one of the artists had secrecty been introducing pictures of demons into the illustrations,was subsequently found out and disfellowshiped! Did you share in spreading any such stories?If so you were ---perhaps unwittingly----spreading an untruth,since they were all false.Certainly,the rumor concerning the society's publications was harmful,as well as slanderous to the zealous christians who work long hours producing artwork to make the magazines,brochures and books so attractive". It seems that this so-called rumor continued to spread.Two and a half years later,WT.March1,1987,pg.15".Upon the Watchtower I am standing".Each article in both the Watchtower and Awake! and every --"-PAGE"---including the ---ARTWORK----is" SCRUTINIZED "by selected members of the Governing Body, "BEFORE"it is printed.So for two and a half years these so-called rumors would not die down.The book JW'S and The HOUR OF DARKNESS, by Darek Barefoot paints a very different picture .It is illustrated and documented.Read it for yourself ,and then you decide as to whether it is rumor or truthful facts,presented by Darek Barefoot. Blueblades

  • Motema Bolingo
    Motema Bolingo

    I agree with you, Mitch ! Our imagination can be misleading. But the pictures put on my pages are not mine. They were seen by at least four witnesses (not JW :-) living in different parts of the world and not connected together. 
    Best wishes from Belgium. I live near the Dutch border, side Putte.

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