I''m just posting a few pics this time. This was our best day, the day we walked from Quiemadas to Caldeira Verde along the highest levada in Madeira. We covered 16 kilometers at a height of 1300 metres (about 4200 feet)
A levada is an irrigation channel that is cut around a mountain to catch the rainfall for use in farms etc. Levadas are 100's of years old, but also provide a route to access some of Madeira's remotest spots. There is usually a drop of several hundred feet at one side of the levada, so a good head for heights is essential. Here we go:
This is the start of our route, you can just see the water in the bottom of the levada on the left.
That's Her Ladyship doing the mistress of all she surveys routine...it's a LONG way down!
This funny looking fella was there too.....
Finally, after several hours of walking, we arrived at the waterfalls of Caldiera Verde. Wow, it was worth it!
Hope you liked 'em,
Edited by - Englishman on 9 November 2002 12:42:44