Australian hearings on child abuse featured on CNN
by Simon 22 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Just about to start on next segment ... -
Thanks for heads up. I tuned in just in time. It was about a 4-minute segement.
I wish reports and reporters would be clearer that the 1006 files are ONLY for Australia. Worldwide, the number has not been officially disclosed.
Brokeback Watchtower
Got a link? -
@brokeback - it was on live tv. CNN Channel.
No link yet, just finished.
Yes, 1000+ is just for Australian which only has about 60k+ publishers.
Imagine what goes on in the US where there are 1.2m publishers!!!
Good to see it being picked up by the major networks. Sad to hear the lies that they come out with trying to excuse their despicable behaviour.
No (zero) cases were reported to the police. The anchor read it twice to emphasize it - it isn't just "mishandling" in a few cases, it's clearly a policy and also shows the utter and absolute control they have over their members to have such a level of adherence to the rules in such an extreme situation.
Hey Governing Body, you should all die. Of course you will, but not soon enough. Spiritual men my arse - I've seen more humanity in a stagnant pond. You are pathetic disgraceful excuses for human beings.
Brokeback Watchtower
I think things are winding up to some criminal investigations over this hearing especially over its judicial(kangaroo court) system of handling very serious matter with tremendous cruelty.
I wish they would get big Rubber Lips Lett to start flapping his lips at this Royal Commission investigation.
^^^^ What Simon said
Proud to be Australian when I see the way this commission is bringing these delusional scum back to reality.
Village Idiot
I wonder how exposed to this information the general Australian public is. Will the Australian Witnesses see a backlash from people in their door to door activities? -
Brokeback Watchtower
I think the way this thing is spreading like wild fire all over the world that they will be confronted with it whether they want ot or not. The back lash by the angry elders will have tremendous impact on every congregation in Australia.