Xmas xchange present(s) arrived safely........

by scootergirl 459 Replies latest jw friends

  • RandomTask

    You're welcome Beck! Glad to see that you liked it!

    Actually I must credit my wife with doing much if not all of the gift, she is so good at that and I am such a flake

  • Englishman



  • waiting

    (((((((((((((eman & other toe-tappers)))))))))))))))))))

    "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

    I have MY gift.........I can be philosophical. and don't think you can suck your teeth at me & I won't know it. (southern momma saying, btw.)

    I hope this turns out well for ALL who participated! Ya know, it was a fun thing when I received a card from Prisca - from Austraillllllllllllllla! I kept the stamps btw - just how cool are those!

    For a lot of us - this is our First Venture back into holiday sharing - and of giving & receiving around the world! Just how cool is THAT! I hope it turns out splendid for all - we've missed soooo much for no good reason.

    Merry Christmas!


  • Englishman


    I must confess to having received a couple of surprise prezzies from posters, ie wine and a fighter plane!


  • waiting

    You English Dog! Enjoy..............


  • kelpie
    But, I'm with Lady Lee and Joy. walking the long road to the mailbox,

    opening the mailbox, closing the mailbox,

    opening the mialbox, closing the mailbox,


    walking the long road back to the house.

    Trucker I am glad that it arrived safely and that you can enjoy it. Make sure you think of us aussies when you use them

    I bet it comes when I am away for a week so I can't let the person know that it arrived safely.....

    Kelp (who hates suspense glass)

  • waiting

    . I've deleted my cheap humor............will save for later.

    Edited by - waiting on 11 December 2002 17:37:27

  • plmkrzy


    and pass the chocolate please and extra heavy on the whip cream.

    I think my name fell out of the hat. and scooter vacumed it up...sigh.

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Plmkrzy, same here!

    *passing the choclate chip cookies to plmkrzy*

  • Celia

    Every day I get all dressed up with mittens, hat, neck-warmer, heavy jacket and boots, take my dog with me and walk the long driveway to the mail-box.... Open mailbox... a few letters, magazines or bills... no package... Tomorrow, there is still tomorrow... Sigh May I have some hot chocolate too, please?

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