Xmas xchange present(s) arrived safely........

by scootergirl 459 Replies latest jw friends

  • scootergirl

    caligirl.....I know your secret santa and can tell you that it is on its way! Guess "Santa" just had to make sure you were good this year! You know......Making a list, checking it twice......lol

    Seriously though, be patient. It is on its way. Should arrive shortly.

  • caligirl

    Thanks... Now that I know it's in the mail I can go back to being naughty! Kidding!

  • Been there
    Been there

    Well, I was at work minding my own business when my phone rang. It was hubby calling to say......................iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit's heeeeeeeeeeeeere! I was so excited I could barely wait the 4 hours till I got off work to get home and see my little gem. I played 20 questions with him.

    My Secret Santa was LYIN EYES.

    My present was wrapped soooooo pretty. I bet it was the best in all the US mail. It had pretty gold wrapping paper on the outside and 100 yards (she wasn't kidding) of "PRIORITY MAIL" tape on it. So Christmasly Patriotic. Tape.....will.....not.....budgerumage thru the house looking for sissors. Pope of Eureka I shouted as I found the darn things under a stack of presents I've been putting off wrapping. Finally got thru all the RED tape and wondered if I should wait till Christmas to open it? HHHHHHHHHHmmmmmmmmmmm, tap, tap, tap. Nah, so I riped thru more pretty gold paper and found a beautiful Silver Jewelry box with raised roses all over it. I love it DeDe (and I'm not just saying that either) I will treasure it, and keep all my little treasures in it. Thank you so much. She also sent a candle that smells like Angel food cake. Hurray for the US Postal Service. They really did deliver in "2" days. My kitties are very interested in that wrapping paper too. I shall now gather up all the little chocolate goodies laying around and pass then on to the next person in WAITING. It won't be the same with out Lady Lee though, she knew just what to fix.

    I shall close by saying Thank you again DeDe, I love it. And Thank You Scooter for all your hard work in making this possible.

  • LyinEyes

    I am so glad you like BeenThere,,,,,,,, I was so worried ,,,,,,,, but I thought it was beautiful and I like any kind of box. I just like to put things in boxes. The one I got for you reminds me of an antique, and I love silver and red velvet. Now get your hubby to fill it up with diamonds,,,,,,,.

    I am also shocked that it did get there in two days........wow,,,,,,, with all the xmas presents going out that day , I just knew it would take at least a few days .

    Those candles are very popular around here and they smell like the real thing. THat one the angel food cake candles , was heavenly...yummy.

    I so enjoyed you telling me all about waiting for it and how excited you were to get it and that you really liked it. There is more happiness in giving than receiving. I have some more people I want to mail out gifts too, this is so much fun , we should do it more often.

    I did feel sorry for you when you said you had to walk in the snow up hill to check your mail everyday,,,,,,,, then you said that wasnt true,,,,,,,,,,,lol shame on you,,,,,,,, lol.....

    Lets keep in touch Been There,,,,,,,, I hope to visit Kentucky sometime in the summer, we have kin people in Paducah, and I know Noidea, Myself, Tinkerbell, CC are there somewhere too.

    Huggggggggggggggggggggs Dede

  • ballistic

    Mine has , Mine has!!! oh, I cant tell you how thoughtful this person must have been!

    I could have never figured out something so cool from what I said. Many thanks again!!!

    thanks to silent lamb no more!

    I will fill you in later.

  • RevMalk

    Mine got here! Probably like 2 weeks ago, I am not very regular about checking my mail :)

    Also, I sent my gift out as well, it's in the mail but they promised me it'd make it by Monday the latest.

    Sorry it took me so long, alot has been happening in my happy little life, but count yourself lucky, I usually don't shop till x-mas eve!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Glad to hear that more preseents have arrived at their destinations

    Passing out home-made chocolates for those still waiting

    ummm and anyone else who wants them too -- there are rose chocolates and santa chocolates and star shaped chocolates

    there are cone chocolates and leaf chocolates and heart-shaped

    If you are lucky you might get the chocolates with the hazelnuts inside

    or maybe the grenn and red colored chocolates

    Have fun

  • scootergirl


  • Tinkerbell4125

    I got mine! I got mine! I am so excited! I'm gonna wait and open it up Christmas morning!

    What a big box Cambell!!! It's hugh!!!! I can't wait to open it! I'll be sure to check back in afterwards!!!

    Thank You!!! Thank You!!!

  • BeautifulGarbage


    Please open the shipping box ASAP.

    You will understand when you open it.


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