"...Jehovah cannot deal with imperfection." As we know.
A limited God is not God at all. "The kingdom of heaven is within us" is universally accepted to mean that the spirit of God, a spark of actual Diety, lives in every human consciousness. Universally except for Jehovah's Witnesses. Dealing with imperfection isn't even the half of it. God is actually present in every life experience of each one of his children. And in every dark hour, at every crossroad in the forward struggle toward God, that Spirit of Truth will always speak, saying, "This is the way." And it is just because of this fact that none of us need the WTB&TS or any other organization of men arrogantly claiming a place between ourselves and God.
But - more to the point - I believe the actual truth about Jesus is much more complex than we may be at this point able to comprehend. I see no problem with the idea that Jesus was born of Mary, that the progenitor of his physical body was Joseph (in the usual and time honored manner), and that the personality of Jesus, that quality in reality that makes him Jesus instead of any one else, was, is, and continues to be the bestowal of God. It's the personality, after all, that makes a person who he is, not his physical body.
But I think we miss the point of Jesus' life which I believe was threefold:
To reveal God to man.
To reveal man to God.
To reveal man to himself.
And that last one is where we all have been missing the point I think. Jesus life was a demonstration of what man has the potential to be, not that we are to strive to live Jesus life. No one but the Master could do that. But we each have the potential to live a life after the manner of Jesus. If we would. Jesus life says that it's possible. Only we ourselves stand in the way our our own realization of this accomplishment in my opinion.
The Jews (pharisees, & etc.) of Jesus time rejected him for the same reason that the modern-day pharisees of the WTB&TS re-interpret the scripture referenced above: they didn't want anyone to get the idea that they and their artifical burdens are unnecessary for salvation.
The channel of communication God is using - my ass.