How Did You Handle Spiritual Snobs?

by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • joannadandy

    I never was one..I was far too lazy and my family wasn't nearly theocratic enough for those standards.

    It really depended on who the snob was. The family that studied with my parents were like throw backs from the 50's. Too perfect for words in every aspect of life, not just their time reports. They invited us over, to me were nothing but kind, and I stood up for them. And they needed standing up for. Pretty much everyone in the congregation was jealous of them because the truth came so easy for them. Or so it seemed to all of us.

    Others however who just lorded it over everyone and had what they assumed to be roses blooming out of their asses, I had no time for. I didn't associate with them at all. That was how I dealt. I ducked and ran and prayed that I didn't get trapped with them in a car group.

  • RandomTask

    God Joanna, go to freaking bed its freaking late and dark in Minnesota!

    Yeah, I was a snobby MS for about a year.

  • core

    Having been a PO for many years, but not being a young, trendy aggresive 'pioneer' type I saw lots of spiritual snobs - they deluded themselves that they were 'better' than the sincere older bros & sisters who lacked their youth

    These types form cliques and often bad-mouth the elders, older ones as they themselves lead double lives of apparent spiritual perfection in reality they are jumped up hypocrites who look after no one but themselves and their 'careers' in 'the truth'

    CO and DO are generally snobs who deign to talk to us little people - Biggest Snobs are Bethelites - boy can they patronise normal people - do they get lessons in superiority ? Are they not aware that it is the little ordinary people who pay for them to live in the bethels worldwide? Who puts bread on their table - ?

    Pity Jesus did things the other way and ignored the snobs - pharisees etc and talked to the little people.

    Ignore the snobs - they are not worth worrying about as they patronise and preen themselves.

  • shera

    I enored them,mabey give a smile once inawhile.Nothing is worse than a selfrighteous ,religious snob.

  • Xena

    When my ex was appointed MS I called my pioneer sister and her PO husband all excited to announce the fact..........her comments?

    "Well I hope he knows this means he has to be a good example now to the congergation"

    Spiritual snob? Naw, Spiritual Bitch is more like it!

  • minimus

    core, welcome to the board!!! So did you ever give these snobs a little bit of humbling medecine or did you just accept these people for what they are?........Minimus is just waiting to tell off a few "spiritual snobs".

  • imanaliento

    i've seen them, but generally stayed away thinking how can I compete. all in all I thought I heard somewhere we were all equal and he that thinks he is standing beware he does not fall and boy do some fall.

  • jack2

    Spiritual snob? Naw, Spiritual Bitch is more like it!

    Good one xena . New thread (or installment of Jerry Springer)....."Spirtual Bitches and The Men They "Submit" To".

  • core


    Yes I did tear a strip of more than one spiritual SNOB

    However, they generally have a way of appearing so humble (Uriah Heap?) and smarming around that they actually thanked me every time I corrected them!

    As dealing with these people caused ME to feel stressed and caused grief for my family ( as I was PO guess who had children who were not asked to all the younger ones social events?) I would suggest not trying to put them right as it will only cause you gried and they will enjoy talking about your 'attitude'

    Enjoy life - do not let them get you down - do not join them in the gutter

  • core

    Sorry should have typed GRIEF not GRIED

    New to all this techie stuff !

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