or do you tend to hold grudges?
Are You A Forgiving Person?
by minimus 19 Replies latest jw friends
I am forgiving but I don't hang around to let someone poop on my head.
Been there
I am forgiving if some one apolagizes and means it. If there is little remorse then I am cautiouly forgiving. If a repeat offender with no remorse, I can hold a grudge for a lifetime. It all depends on how much I was hurt by the offense. I just resently let go of a grudge I held for 40 years. What I find more disturbing is if someone proves untrustworthy, I will never trust them again.
I can be forgiving, but forgiveness depends on how many times you want to get slapped in the face or how many times you turn to the other cheek. I have learned to toughen up a bit.
I am forgiving and I don't hold grudges.
I also don't forget.
I am an easy going person. It takes alot for me to reach the "boiling point". Once I reach that point I am usually past the point of "forgiving".
I try to be a forgiving person. Most people that offend don't really mean it. If someone purposely and uncaringly tries to hurt you, I tend not to give that person the benefit of the doubt. Hence, I don't easily forgive under those circumstances.
Jesus Christ
You know, from what you've read of me in the bible you'd think I'm forgiving but, like so many other things in the bible that are incredibly wrong, I'm not forgiving at all. I'm still pissed off at Peter over that whole denial thing.
I am forgiving and am willing to take a lot from people. But, pushed too far, my forgiveness goes out the window.
Hurt me once, shame on you. Hurt me twice, shame on me!
Lew W
I am very forgiving I cannot be mad for more than 5 minutes.