Email exchange between an elder and me

by never a jw 14 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    The following is an exchange of 3 emails between an elder in my wife's congregation and me. It's a Hispanic congregation in Los Angeles area:

    Is it a cult or not??


    Dear elder,

    I have been following what's going on in Australia in the offices of the Royal Commission regarding case 29. It's a slaughter house and Satan is getting increasingly vicious. He is in full control,

    If you are a JW in a position of authority and testifying, it's ugly. If the findings of the hearings motivate other worldly governments to act in similar fashion to the Royal Commission, Satan has a good chance of winning the war between the forces of good and evil. I am taking Satan's side. You should too. But if you want to remain loyal to the Watchtower, at least read the news so you can anticipate the denouement. Even better, tune in to the hearings live in the internet from 6 or 7 pm on, our time, except for today. You can even download tons of information: testimonies and exhibits, including letters between Australia's branch office and elder's, judicial committees documents, relevant wt publication, elder's book with commentary and lots more. Thousands of pages of stuff that even apostates don't have.

    I think John of Patmos picked the wrong contender. Revelation will have to be re-written.

    never a jw


    Dear never a jw:

    I assure you I am sensitive to child abuse and lying. They are both contemptable. But I don't think it prudent to turn my back on more than 100 years of truth because of a court hearing. I have seen way too many where truth was erased by unscrupulous prosecutors.
    Sorry, I'm not biting your bait.



    Dear elder,


    More than a 100 of truth? When have you put under objective scrutiny anything written by the Watchtower before your time (between 1879 and 1975). I have serious doubts that you have read any publications during that period. Regarding the hearings in Australia, you reached your conclusions without looking at the evidence, which is the testimony of victims, elders, circuit overseers and members of the Australian branch, together with many confidential watchtower documents, including letters from the branch, manuals, financial statements, judicial committees decisions and more. You certainly should be completely disqualified from any jury duty and mainly from any JW's judicial committee. You just proved how incompetent elders are to serve in a judicial committee.

  • cappytan

    Psssst...your names are showing.

    Interesting exchange of e-mails.

    However, that initial e-mail, talking about taking Satan's side, will just shut down an active cult member. They won't listen to anything you have to say once you say something like that.

    If your objective is just to rile the elder up, then mission accomplished.

    If your objective is to get him to listen to you, then I don't think your approach will work very well.

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    I am taking Satan's side. You should too.


    It's funny to us cause we know better, but to them, you are probably demonized.

    Image result for devil pic cartoon

  • Oubliette

    never a jw: Is it a cult or not??

    Ooooh, I got this.

    Let's review: It's a cult!

  • never a jw
    never a jw
    Oops!. Too late to edit. I guess too many clues are given (names, Hispanic cong, Los Angeles area). Anyone from the area can figure it out. Might as well be reckless and provide one more clue: i reside in Burbank CA. What the hell, let them disfellowship me, if they can.
  • oppostate

    I second that e-motion, LOL!

    Your "Let's review: It's a cult!" is quite a classic on JWD, and it still makes me laugh every time I read it!

    @never a jw
    Oops!. Too late to edit. I guess too many clues are given (names [...]
    One of the moderators could help out with this. I'm sure though that there's probably an abundance of latino witnesses with those names in your area

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    I'm sure though that there's probably an abundance of latino witnesses with those names in your area

    Jose, Felipe, -----JESUS

    mexican jesus photo: mexican j-4.png


    Andre, is that you?!?! LOL!!!!


  • Watchtower-Free
  • never a jw
    never a jw

    There's more. I called him incompetent in the previous email, and he too umbrage. Here's the latest:

    No, Felipe, I am not an incompetent elder. I may be very incompetent in many things, but being an elder is not one of them.
    I fear the real problem is that you have decided to find something against the Witnesses, for reasons I have stated before, and your biases are clouding your judgement.
    And You are being very unfair to us, to yourself and to Truth itself.



    Dear Elder

    Its not just me. Its the Australian government and many tribunals and news organizations around the world. And I think this is just the tip of the iceberg. But, oh well it is the system of Satan. I am sure Satan is the one giving the incriminating responses to the elders in the hearings and is making me read incriminating information in the mountain of documents produced by the Watchtower. It seems that Satan has more persuasive powers than the holy spirit that selected these Australian elders.

    Dont missthe the live streaming today at 6 or 7 our time. It's better than reality tv, better than movies of good vs. evil. Dont miss it.



    No, of course not.
    But you are being duped.
    I feel sorry for you, Felipe, honestly.
    You really need to wisen up before it's too late.
    For my part, I am not going to follow your lead.
    You've really taken the wrong road, and there's no one to blame but yourself.


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