Welcome Quandry. Enjoyed your first post and invite you to stick around. There are so many of us here that have learned the real truth about the "truth" and have suffered the lost of parents, mates and children because we could no longer live the lie. All the best to you and to Barbara and Joe.
Banned church member sues Jehovah's Witnesses
by izobcenec 24 Replies latest jw friends
Good luck Barb & Joe. I think the clear link between your being disfellowshipped and your whistle-blowing on the Society's sick child abuse policy definitely brings this into the realm of a community safety issue that might give cause for the Court to seriously look at this. Lately there have been indications that the Judiciary is perhaps shifting towards a less tolerant view of the culpability of religious leaders for child abuse occuring in their midst. Now is probably a good time to test these issues again in Court.
that is exactly how my husband and I feel. People can forgive mistakes,. But to hide them, conceal the truth so you appear flawless, well it is the hallmark of a dishonest person. no one is perfect, and mistakes will be made. Honest people admit them, and fix them. Crooks, liars thieves conceal them. that is what he wts is, a bunch of
crooks liars and thieves.
disguised as a religion
children dying because their parents refuse life saving blood transfusions at direct comnand of the WTS
that allows children to be molested/not reported to the police
women to be raped /not reported to the police
women and children to be abused dueto the male run society
religion has too much power . They have to be made to account for the lives they have taken and destroyed
Money is the root of all evil, so sue the Watchtower of all it's evil.
Regardless of the outcome of this lawsuit, I do believe that it will be negative for the WT. Even if the WT wins, they will receive negative publicity that exposes them
for what they really are. On the one hand, current members will consider this publicity as proof of being attacked and opposed by satan, but on the other hand, non-members
will be educated and very hesitant about joining this f'ed up cult.