I did something very rewarding today....

by Marilyn 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marilyn

    I'm visiting Hong Kong at the moment and I'm on the underground train at 10 am - it's Sunday morning. Sunday is the day off for 200,000 maids (politically correct term is domestic helper). They are mostly from the Phillipines. There are a number of maids on the train and I suddenly spot two girls, who are obviously maids, and one has a Watchtower in her hand. I am with hubby who is an ex jw too. I look at him and tell him I have to talk to them. I could tell that they were not JWs yet because they weren't wearing the costume. They had slacks on. A good sign!! But the Watctower??? Yikes!!! I leave my seat and go over to the girls and tell them how dangerous the Watchtower is and not to trust anything Jehovah's Witnesses tell them. I told them it is a religion based on lies. I tell them that it might sound good initially but it is very dangerous and has the power to hurt them very badly. They listened and told me that they had the Watchtower for a friend but that they would take head of what I said. They said they were catholics. I told them that being catholics was way better than being JWs. They seemed very grateful for my words of warning.
    My husband thought it took courage to do what I did. It didn't. It felt great!

    Please folks, keep up your incidental anti witness efforts and report your time here.

    Have a good day now -I did!!!


  • BluesBrother

    Brilliant , Marilyn . That did take courage and fellow feeling for the girls. I am glad that your efforts were well received by them.

  • searcher


    This is great to hear, people should be told what being a Witness really involves, then at least they will procede with their eyes open.

    Good for you !!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • DannyBear


    Knowing a little about your personality, I suspect you did it with alot of finese and graciousness. So I have no doubt those two girls were very much grateful for your concern. They should consider themselves fortunate.

    Iam proud of you sis.

    Hong Kong........you jet setter you!


  • Francois

    That did take courage, but it also required a selfless, other-oriented, love of your neighbor as you love yourself...just like The Master commanded. You've really got the Spirit. Very admirable, very admirable indeed.

  • seven006


    Dave told you that you took charge for one reason and one reason only. H eis sucking up cuz he want's your body. I know the man, he has a one track mind.

    He's my hero.


  • LyinEyes

    Bravo on your courage. I did a little anit JW witnessing myself the other day. A sister who moved back to the congregation here came up to me and started talking. I told her I was d/a and she said she knew it. I said ok and preceeded with our chat. SHe told me she was sick of the folks in this congregation and already told a few off for butting in her business as to why she doesnt make meetings. She said she told them to back off and she didnt go because she didnt feel like it. LOL

    She said she still believe it is the "truth" and probably always will. I told her a year ago I felt the same way,,,,,,,,,, but after I did some research I was floored with the real truth about the WT. Her daughter was standing there and was nodding her head. My friend said, well, many say it is a cult,,,,and before she could say another word,,,,,, I said,,,,,,,,, it is!!!!!!! Her daugher busted up laughing and said see mom I told you........LOL.... I told my friend that her daugher was right, that she should get on the internet and do some research. I told her that I didnt take everything I read off the internet as gospel until I compared other material with it. I told her she might be surprized to find out more about the early years of the WT. SHe told me she needed to get her computer out of the box........... That sounded like a good sign she might do some research.

    I am going to "follow up on the interest" of this sister,,,,,,,,, she seems like she is ready to ditch the whole JW thing anyway, and might as well not have a guilty conscience for leaving it.

  • Mum

    My friend and I sometimes go for a walk in a city park before work. There is a middle-aged Mexican couple who walk there fairly regularly, too, and I had exchanged greetings with them a few times. One day when this pair were a fair distance ahead of me, I saw a JW get out of a car and intercept them, handing them some magazines. I caught up with them, smiled, greeted them, and pointed to the magazines, saying, "No buena."

    To my delight, both of them agreed with me quite readily. They tossed the magazines into a nearby trash can, told me they were Catholic, and we all went happily on our merry way.

    Yes, Marilyn, it is much more rewarding to "sound the warning" from the other side.

    One of my friends lives next door to the laudromat in an apartment complex. Someone was regularly leaving copies of the Watchtower and Awake! in that laudromat. I went to visit my friend every Saturday morning, picked up the magazines, wrote the Silentlambs web address, the JWD web address and the Freeminds web address on them. The magazines kept showing up anyway.

    So, I picked up the magazines, wrote the web addresses on them, then wrote the toll-free numbers for Silentlambs (1-877-WT-ABUSE) and BRCI (1-800-WHY-1914) under the website addresses.

    There haven't been any WT propaganda publications in that laundry room since.

    Sandra (patting myself on the back)

  • Marilyn

    Danny, I know I have a very honest face. Sadly iIt worked well for me as a dub. These days I get so little opportunity to achieve the opposite of what I achieved as a Witness. (talked way to many into joining)! :-(

    Hey I'd do an anti witness talk circuit if I had the opportunity!!!! - now there's an idea!!!!!!!!


  • Beck_Melbourne

    Well Done Marilyn! Way ta go you big time apostate you LOL.

    If you are interested in conducting seminars on anti-witnessing, let me know and I'll organise a conference room in the city I haven't had much of an opportunity to bump into active dubs or newly interested ones...but if I do, I'll be thinking of England and will go forth and conquer

    Good to hear from you again btw. Got lots ta tell ya...let me know when you're back so we can do that coffee thing...I'll be bringing my student


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