Just a general query as today I am feeling, as most Sundays, like I want to move to the moon and get away from my JW family...ie, mother and father. For years I lived abroad and didn't really think about it much, but now that I am back and in the area, just the very thought of spending too many minutes in their company makes me want to pack up and move away again. It's been several years since I left home and the JW organization. My parents were never really that strong when it came to the religion and I saw a lot of hyprocisy with them and with the other members in the congregation, and I still see it and it is driving me mad. I cannot bear to sit through one of my father's "blah-blah-help us not be this and that thank you for this and that" prayers when he is the biggest hypocrite I've had the misfortune to encounter, and my mother's "I've got to stay with him because of the truth" routine when she really can't bear to look at him either and oftentimes admits it.
So what do I do? I have been avoiding their house like the plague for two years now, always finding some excuse, but feel it's rather academic since they know how I feel and the excuses are running out. But every time I walk into the house, the old pain returns, and it's like I am a child again and my father's many abusive overtures toward us children resurfaces....does anyone feel this way? I am feeling so guilty like an awful daughter, but no matter how hard I try and even with the help of Prozac, I still feel the same way. Does anyone have any advice (other than moving to outer Mongolia since I have considered this!!) Am I being awful and selfish???