Are we likely to see a definite drop in new Bible Studies , Interest in the religion ,a drop in meeting attendance ,especially in lands where this is widely reported ? Or even an exodus from many in the congregations who may view this as the last straw ?
Their have only been 3 days of this inquiry so far and the incompetence of the Elders to articulate their position is painful to observe , they are ignorant to the extreme .Showing a total disinterest in the whole proceedings.
When questioned , they have not bothered to understand the purpose of the Commission , nor read any of the previous days proceedings ,nor have they bothered to read the victims statement ,and have shown a total disregard for the whole procedure .
Surely any thinking person with half a brain would back away from any involvement with this religion .
I am overjoyed that this inquiry is getting worldwide media attention ,I hope you are too .
I commented on an article in Ghana Africa that ran with this story , so the sexual abuse of Children within the Jehovah`s Witness organization is getting worldwide coverage .
What do you think ?
With our help , using F.B. ,Twitter , Blogs , Social media , letters to the Editor of newspapers ,contacting journalists of radio and T.V.stations , we can put the organisation under the microscope , exposing them for what they are.
You do not have to give your name and address for publication if you do not want to , just say my name and address is not for publication and the media respects your privacy and will not do so .