I was at the meeting on Sunday and one brother mentioned how JWs are heeding the scripture at Matthew 24:14, you know, about the kingdom being preached, and he said how in every corner of the world JWs are now found and it's a fulfillment of the scripture. Then the thought struck me that if that were true, then when people think of JWs they should think "God's kingdom". But do they? Not in my experience, as when going from door to door or what colleagues at work have said. JWs are known worldwide but for what? Not accepting blood transfusions, and yes, going door to door, but "kingdom of God" doesn't seem to pop into people's minds when considering JWs, it seems to be more of the "oh no, those people who wake us up on Saturday mornings", and there's certainly no mention of God's kingdom. So it seems to me (another) misapplication of this text.
In your experience, is that what people think of when hearing the words Jehovah's Witnesses?