Preaching the kingdom or what?

by acsot 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • acsot

    I was at the meeting on Sunday and one brother mentioned how JWs are heeding the scripture at Matthew 24:14, you know, about the kingdom being preached, and he said how in every corner of the world JWs are now found and it's a fulfillment of the scripture. Then the thought struck me that if that were true, then when people think of JWs they should think "God's kingdom". But do they? Not in my experience, as when going from door to door or what colleagues at work have said. JWs are known worldwide but for what? Not accepting blood transfusions, and yes, going door to door, but "kingdom of God" doesn't seem to pop into people's minds when considering JWs, it seems to be more of the "oh no, those people who wake us up on Saturday mornings", and there's certainly no mention of God's kingdom. So it seems to me (another) misapplication of this text.

    In your experience, is that what people think of when hearing the words Jehovah's Witnesses?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


  • derrickb007

    I don't know what the general populace thinks. Some like us, some don't. But as for this "preaching the kingdom", I don't think I ever preached the kingdom when I went from house to house. Usually it was "Would you like our magazines?" Funny how nobody told me that was wrong.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Salesmen - offering an oil of gladness in exchange for labour, to virgins, who may miss Christ when He comes - instead of caring for Him, they'll be out paying for the oil.

    Edited by - a paduan on 11 November 2002 20:30:46

  • minimus

    They think of pains in the asses at their door.

  • DanTheMan

    excellent points ascot.

    During my unfortunate tenure as a JW, I often found that people I came across knew little or nothing about JWs. Lucky them!

    The "ministry" performed by JW's is a figment of their imagination, fed by a neverending indoctrination program from their megalomaniacal leadership.

    Hardcore JW's are, imho, religious addicts. Grandiosity is a mark of addiction. The grandiosity of the WT leadership is a big part of what makes the JW religion so intoxicating and paralyzingly addictive for so many unfortunates.

    Faith in a holy cause is to a considerable extent a substitute for the lost faith in ourselves. - Eric Hoffer

  • PurpleV

    Most people who I've encountered think of JW's as some sort of misguided sect, they focus on the fact that they will die and allow their children to die without blood, and how annoying it is to be bothered early on weekend mornings. Other than that, they don't know much, nor do they care.

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    Direct quote from my former supervisor at work while I was a "zealous" JW once he found out that I was practicing the religon. I suppose that this was his impression of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    "God wants you to enjoy life. Jehovah's Witnesses can't do anything unless they are told that it's okay, right?"

    I couldn't say anything. He was right. Everything that I wanted to do, no matter what, had to approved by the elder body.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother Not Exerting Vigorously)

  • New Eyes
    New Eyes

    A small Christian "like" cult................ but mostly they don't think about Jaws at all.

  • 68storm

    Most of the people that I have spoken with, seem to agree that "Jehovah's Witnesses" are dysfunctional GEEKS that seem to favour dressing in funny clothes, wake you up on Saturday morning, will never get the hint that you are really pissed. Later in the morning, while you are cutting your lawn, they can be spotted a mile away. (I guess its the bag that gives them away.)

    Funny thing is! RELIGION is never even mentioned in the exchange.

    Kingdom? they preach something about a kingdom? That's news to most of us. I always thought that they thrived on reporting all of the catastrofic events in the world.

    I cannot understand how they can censor most of Hollywood's offerings, yet their magazines depict graphic, most violent images, horrific death and destruction, that most producers would have a hard time getting by the censors.

    "Johnny, you can't go see that movie. It is rated PG13. Stay home and read about our god destroying 99% of the world's population instead!"


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