It's amusing indeed! Thanks for sharing it. But it has me a little confused!!
You see, if the waters of Babylon the Great are NOT drying up, doesn't that say something about the WTS interpretation of scripture?
Is this really the time that Babylon the Great has fallen??? Well, that's what the WTS says. Remember that many paged book written by Fred Franz called "Babylon the Great Has Fallen, Gos's Kingdom Rules" ?
Is false religion Babylon the Great?
Is there really a Babylon "the Great"?
It never ceases to amaze me that the R&F don't wake up to the contradictions in what they're being taught.
Actually, this concept has been downplayed by the WTS in their recent publications. Most JWs baptized after 1990 would not know much about this. This is the most recent reference I can find.
*** g93 9/8 12 Religious Crisis in the Netherlands ***
The Bible foretold a drying up of support for Christendom, along with other religions, in our day. (Revelation 16:12; 17:15)
The WTS does this with many embarrassing points. The 7,000 year creative day is another example. No big fanfare, just a mention in the Daniel book that creative days are an ambiguous "thousands of years long." One older brother mispoke and said it was 7,000 years long and had to be adjusted during the meeting by the conductor.
Once again, Blondie's references to the 7,000-year Creative Days and the ``drying up of Bablyon's waters" reaffirm the consistent pattern of intellectual diishonesty JW writers employ as a matter of policy to distance themselves from once-taught-but-subsequently-discredited notions: simply stop mentioning it and it wil recede from the collective consciousness of the rank-and-file, upon whose dim-witted servility theycan always rely. Add to that the now-discredited ``earthquakes have increased damatically since 1914'' assertion once so widely publicized.
What notion is the net candidate for such treatment? My vote goes to the ``The UN will marshall the forces of the Wild Beast to destroy all religions as a prelude to Armageddon."
Well there is always Bush. Maybe he will become the wild beast next. I think I made that joke during his inauguration speech. He is a very religious person plus corrupt (allegedly) AND wants the US to disconnect from the UN and stand on it's own. And never seems to give a speech without mentioning Christianity in some form or fashion. And Israels enemies are our enemies. I don't recall any other deity making that statement about ANYONE. hmmm. Go ahead and laugh see if I care
Oh and I could be off by a decade but I think the hippies called the Jones the yuppies. But maybe we could start the new trend and refer to the wannabes as the Babylonians. See how long it would take to catch on. Next time anyone runs into a yuppie call him or her a Babylonian. "You Babylonian!"