Lay off's

by El Kabong 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    I was going to post this tonight anyway. When I logged onto the board this evening, I saw the "I was about to be fired" thread and thought "Oh great"!!

    Tomorrow, my company (obviously I can't mention the name) is cutting 500 jobs. Most, if not all are in my division (Sales/Marketing).

    I've been with them for close to 20 years. Worked my way up the ladder from the bottom to a fairly respectable position. Not too bad for not having a college education. All other people in my position hold BS or Masters Degrees. I only finished High School. (New system coming, time is short, yadda yadda yadda, type of all know what I'm talking about).

    Needless to say, I, among with my co-workers are going to have a very sleepless night. Some people were called by their bosses today and asked to meet with them tomorrow. Those people are going to get cut. One person who was with the company for 23 years asked his boss point blank if he was getting cut, and his boss confirmed that was the reason for the meeting. I'm even tempted to turn my cell phone off. But, If I'm to be one of those who has to go, theres nothing I can do to change that.

    It just makes me sick to think about this. I'm the sole breadwinner of my family. I'm hoping and praying that I will still have my job tomorrow night, but for someone who is close to 40, I really hate to have to start over. I know it's just economy, and I realize that many people have it much worse than I do. I really feel bad for anybody who looses their job.

    All I'm asking from you all, my brothers and sisters, is just your love and support. I really need it right now. Thanks for listening.


  • CBeMe

    ((((El Kabong))))

    My best wishes to you and your family, I hope you get to keep your job.


  • hamptonite21

    I wish you the best, I will be thinking of you. Just as a side note, dont undersell yourself. Your experience is just as valuable as a college education at your age. If you are laid off, Im sure you will find a job soon. Keep us informed.

  • Trotafox

    {{{{{Hugs}}}}} El Kabong...

    Hope everything will be okay. Prayers are with you, El.

    Whichever way it goes, you'll do just fine.


  • scumrat

    El Kabong,

    That sick feeling in your stomach sucks when you anticipate a lay-off. I survived 2 of them in the last 2 months and I'm still on edge. I feel like a cat with 7 lives left. Good Luck, I hope you make it through.


  • Trauma_Hound

    Good luck, I've been laid off since July.

  • riz

    ((((el kabong)))) i'm keeping my fingers crossed for ya. keep us posted.

    love, riz

  • Jesika

    Hope everything is well with you and your family!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • rem

    El Kabong,

    I know the feeling. I (still?) work at Worldcom. So far I've survived about 6 layoffs... maybe more. It's nerve wracking.


  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    I would like to thank each and every one of you for your concern, support, and Love. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.

    Just an update. I survived today's round of riffs. We lost 2 employees in our office today. This latest round of lay-offs won't be over until Monday.

    I agree with scumrat that one of the worse feelings is that sick feeling in your stomach when you just don't know what's going to happen. Again, thank you all for your love and concern.

    El K

    PS: And, thanks for not saying that being out of work is a perfect opportunity to Auxiliary Pioneer.

    XO to all.


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