Jesus Christ you crack me up Jesus Christ.
by hamptonite21 67 Replies latest jw friends
Wow, rwagoner, I'm impressed. You sure have been around.
Right now, I have a cleaning business. Please, no janitor jokes! This job is just about killing me. I am in the process of trying to get a secretarial job with the State. They just lifted their hiring freeze, so I hope to quit this horrible job that is really doing a number on my knees! Hopefully, by the end of the year, I can tell my customers to "Take this job and shove it!"
Mrs. Shakita
I'm a Registered Nurse working in Maternal Newborn Care. I love my work!
Love, Scully
My title is "legal secretary," but my work is diverse. I work for four people: one law partner, who is semi-retired and has me take care of his personal bills, keep up with his girlfriends, etc.; one paralegal; the graphics designer; and the Office Services Manager. I'm doing something different every minute of the day, and I love it, though I am resigned to the fact that I will never catch up with my filing.
On the side, I'm a Southern Living At Home consultant, and I do custom jewelry design.
However, my favorite title is "Mommy"!
Nina the Multi-Tasker
I guess after this no one will talk to me. I'll be shunned by all!
I run 10 martial arts schools in 4 countries. I am an Aikido teacher for the last 20 years or so. According to the WT, I receive my marching orders directly from Satan.
Well, that's their take on it anyway. Never df'd to my knowledge.
Truth is, after and during my training in Japan, my faith in the True God was renewed and I constantly feel that my relationship with Him has become closer. Something I never experienced as a JW.
BTW, I just barely get by financially but have a great time teaching and counselling kids, youths, and adults. It is the best job I have ever had!
It may sound more impressive than it really is. I've been lucky...lucky to have a great wife and son and a good, secure job with the Police Department. The ADA thing is cool too...but really not hard work considering I use a wheelchair so most of what I work with just comes natural. *LOL*
I run a chain of crack houses
I work for JPMorgan.
I work as a Computer Repair Technician.Please no computer
Not a lot! I'm almost retirement age.
I'm classed as a Carer and look after my wife who is registered as disabled.
Three days a week I also work as a volunteer driver taking elderly handicapped to Day Centres.