I'm not surprised @ a lot of the anti-semitic, or borderline anti-semitic statements on this site lately, as the jw's bash the jews almost as bad as the catholics, so that is part of our basic programming being raised jw. Also, if you look at there publications, the "bad jews" i.e. saducees & pharisees have your typical hooknose, hitlerian "dirty jew" look about them, while Jesus & friends usuallly look aryan. No, I don't have any specific examples, as all my jw books are out of state. If any of you can find these examples for me, like what book, what pg. number, I would greatly appreciate it.
Anti-semitism & JW's
by avishai 16 Replies latest jw friends
Brother Russell had this interesting viewpoint of the Jews which was abandoned by the JWs in 1932. But in his publications he readily refers to the supposed wealth of most Jews and their unusual desire to acquire more.
Proclaimers Book p141
10 Growing in Accurate Knowledge of the Truth
Would God Restore the Jews to Palestine?The Bible Students were well aware of the many prophecies of restoration that were delivered to ancient Israel by Gods prophets. (Jer. 30:18; 31:8-10; Amos 9:14, 15; Rom. 11:25, 26) Down till 1932, they understood these to apply specifically to the natural Jews. Thus, they believed that God would show Israel favor again, gradually restoring the Jews to Palestine, opening their eyes to the truth regarding Jesus as Ransomer and Messianic King, and using them as an agency for extending blessings to all nations. With this understanding, Brother Russell spoke to large Jewish audiences in New York as well as in Europe on the subject "Zionism in Prophecy," and Brother Rutherford, in 1925, wrote the book Comfort for the Jews.
Today I dont think JWs show any more prejudice towards Jews than they do other non-JW groups or individuals. They are all considered outside Gods favor and doomed to destruction. Various individual JWs have prejudices depending on the demographics of various minority groups in their area and the community prejudices that they may reflect.
Here are some quotes from Rutherford:
"It has been the commercial Jews of the British-American empire that have built up and carried on Big Business as a means of exploiting and oppressing the peoples of many nations....This fact is so manifest in America that there is a proverb concerning the city of New York....'the Jews own it, the Irish Catholics rule it, and the Americans pay the bills.'"
1934 Yearbook
p. 134"Today the so called 'Protestants' and the Yiddish clergy openly co-operate with and play into the hand of the Roman Catholic Hierarch like foolish simpletons..."
J.F. Rutherford, Enemies, (The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, 1937) p. 222
"Amongst her (The Whore of Babylon) instruments that she uses are the ultra-selfish men called 'Jews' who look only for personal gain."
J.F. Rutherford, Enemies, (The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, 1937) p. 281
Blondie -
Everyone loves to have someone to hate.
Promoting hatred of a particular group has always been a effective tactic of ones who want to re-direct attention from their real agenda.
Sad but true.
Guest 77
Good one searcher, good one.
Guest 77
I have read this view is not called anti-semitism but is a religious anti-judaism.
In that you become just like the people you hate, the JWs have become just like the Catholics and the Jews.
I make a big effort to make sure I don't hate the JWs, but pity them instead. After all, is an anti-proton any different than a proton?
Whats interesting is the Bible based Jews actually believe the Holocaust was God's vengence on the wayward Zionist Jews
Tell me, Jim. Who are these "Bible based Jews?" I am fairly good friends with a Rabbi and he's never heard of any Jew who believes that way. Too bad about all those wayward Jewish children who were tortured and killed by the avengers of God, huh?
You keep repeating this "interesting" thing as if we were all supposed to buy what you're saying without any verification at all. It is also "interesting" that some people believe the Earth is flat. Doesn't mean I want to spend any time investigating their theory.
Bought any herbal Viagra online yet, Jim?
Quit being a laim ass, if you please. The zionists are _not_ "bad people", just as militent palistinians are _not_ bad people. You don't have to "watch your back" with either group, that is unless a member of either group is pointing a gun at you. Not even every JW is a moronic F**k. The problem with you people who can see is that you spend all day over generalizing everything. You see, I over generalized in my last statement, but at verry least I can recognize this fact, and tell you when I paint with a broad brush. If you lived in my world, you would learn that group appearence, belief, ideals, etc. etc., make no difference at all. It is he individual that matters. I have friends who hold ideals that I wouldn't support if you paid me too, but beneath the everyday, beneath their beliefs and ideals, beneath the facade most people put on for protection, their worthy of respect, kindness, and understanding. I am far too creative to hate or judge an individual based on their ideals or group affiliation. People as individuals offer much more interesting reasons to be worthy of my lothing.BTW thanks for being a gentleman and answering my questions in that other post. A little less glib responces would have been appreciated, but what ever.
Aluminutty -- (blind people are so damn cool, na na na na na na) class
I was'nt addressing you so much, jim, but what I want to know, is why do you care so much about this one people? Why not the imperialist Japanese, who killed 200,000 at nanking? Why not the swiss or the kuwaitis who REALLY control the worlds wealth? Why not the Sudanese who want sanctions against the U.S for human rights violations, & yet still practice slavery? Why not the Saudi's, where most of the hijackers from 9-11 had passports & financing from?
In 1906, arabs made up about 6-9% of the population, & they were mostly bedouins. The "zionists" came & made deserts & swamps grow that no-one else wanted. It's only after they made it arabel that people started to complain. Then, in the 40's, to keep the israelis from getting a leg up, the brits shipped in thousands of people from syria & trans-jordan, knowing it would always keep the israelis hands full, also giving all the strategic heavy gun emplacements to the arabs when they pulled out. There has always been a jewish population if small in the area. Should we go take Utah back from the mormons, now that they've made a go? Are'nt they just as bad as the zionists?
well, ya got me there!