Surely she's not going to lay back and "think of England" dressed like that is she?
Stars & Stripes Forever
by LB 14 Replies latest jw friends
I didn't happen for this ex - JW either!
Englishman, you Brits really have weird senses of humor. That's why I like it.
BTW, what's going on over there with the Royals? Are they getting so inbred that it takes two years for the queen to realize she can free an innocent man? Speaking of inbreeding, if Charles eyes get any closer together, he'll have monocular vision. Is he ever going to be king, or can the people decide they'd rather have Wills and dump Charles for his oldest son? Can that happen?
Frankly, anyone who'd druther jump the bones of Camilla Parker Bowles than Diana ain't fit to be king, dontcha think?
Just musing.
Prince Charles is driving his LandRover through Balmoral, when he inadvertantly runs over one of the Royal corgi's, killing it outright. Dismayed, he gets out of the L/R to look at the squashed corgi, when his hand brushes against something lying in the grass. He sees its a lamp, so he gives it a rub, when, POOFT! Out pops an enormous Genii!
The Genii bows to Charlie boy and says "Master, I can grant you one wish, what will it be?" Charles can't believe his luck and says: "Mister Genii, please can you bring this squashed corgi back to life, or Mummy will be very cross?"
Well the Genii inspects the corgi and sadly shakes his head saying it is much too squashed to revive. Then, he brightens, and says to Charles: How about a different wish? This time Charles perks up and says: "Oh yes! Please make my Camilla very beautiful!"
Well, the Genii pauses, strokes his beard, and sighs: "OK, OK, lets have another look at the corgi".
Corgi probably looked better than Camilla, squished.
It was nice to see the royal family breed some looks into the line. It's been a long time.