Oz got an email from watchtower.org - or did he?

by ozziepost 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    G'day all,

    I received this email today:

    From :
    < [email protected]>
    To : [email protected]
    Subject : Appointment
    Date : Tue, 12 Nov 2002 14:30:32 GMT
    Dear Brother Oz 
    We are delighted to inform you that that you have been 
    appointed to serve as an older man in the Gods spirit 
    anoited congregation. 
    From now on please can you post as Elder OZ 
    Your brothers 
    Christian Congregation Of Jehovah's Witnesses

    My guess is that it's someone who posts or lurks on the db.

    In view of the spate of spoof emails this week, my assumption

    is that this is another one.

    Well, they wouldn't be making me an elder again, would they?

    Cheers, Ozzie

    Edited by - ozziepost on 13 November 2002 4:30:37

  • Vivamus


    So, Elder Ozzie, who has the honor of having you over for a sheperding call?

  • hurt


    can you please post the full header? It's probably from the same source as the dead silentlambs mail.

  • SYN

    Well, at least SOMEBODY has a sense of humour!

  • Prisca


    Is this from the same person who claimed you were one of the top 10 richest posters on this site?

    Prisca, who is probably one the ten most poorest on this site

  • chasson

    Hi all,

    It is easy to hide our real identity by changing the e-mail adress of a sender in an e-mail. Look the Ip adress in the header of the message. We can trace the guy who make that with this information.



  • benext

    Before the announcement is made is there anything that would prevent you from accepting this appointment?

  • minimus

    Two brothers will need to sit down with you first. I would like to be one of them. Who else should be there?

  • gumby

    "We are delighted to inform you that that you have been 
    appointed to serve as an older man in the Gods spirit 
    anoited congregation". 
    We know the FDS and their helpers can spell better than this.
  • jack2

    Yeah, "anoited", what's up w that?

    Hey Oz, as long as your hours are good, I'm all for it.

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