Paragraph 23 question b

by joelbear 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    How many of you ever counted the number of each letter in a Watchtower article to see which letter was used most?


    Joel the eccentric statistician

  • BadAssociate

    cant say i've devoted too much time to counting the number of letters in watchtower mags joel - sorry


  • Gianluca

    Ask Fred. Thats the kind of person who would do just that!!

  • trevor

    Joel Bear,

    I can't say I've done that but I used to sit in the meetings
    and count the number of time Jesus or Christ appeared compared to
    Jehovah. It was amazing how many times more times Jehovah appeared.
    Of course this meant turning the pages before the others.
    Did that count as running ahead?

  • Simon

    I passed a whole meeting once seeing how many words could be made from the letters in "The Watchtower" and "Our Kingdom Ministry"

    chat etc...

  • tergiversator

    Um. I used to count the number of times the letter 'f' appeared in song s. I got to be pretty good at finding all the hidden ofs and fors and froms. Several songs, to my great stastical interest, had none at all, but it's been way to long to remember which.

    I also liked to rearrange the letters in the year quote on the wall. Especially when we were in halls that had the Spanish quote, too. Quite a different letter frequency distribution.

    (of the Spent Way Too Much Time Sitting Quietly In Meetings Class)

  • mustang

    I've done anagrams, as Simon & Tergiversator mentioned. I remember doing them during those Yankee Stadium conventions of the 50's!!!


  • doubtingsister

    Hi Joel,

    When I was younger, I used to take long words and see how many smaller words I could make out of the letters. I'd also doodle all over the bare spaces in the magazines and daydream about what I'd do when the meeting was over.
    The notepads I'd bring to take down scriptures were full of my writing. I'd try to hide it in my bookbag so no one could tell I was writing instead of listening.
    It actually depended on the speaker or the topic. Sometimes I'd get really involved in the lesson and want to answer and learn, but a lot of times it was too deep for a young person. (for me anyhow)

  • waiting

    hey doubtingsister,

    I'd also doodle all over the bare spaces in the magazines and daydream about what I'd do when the meeting was over.

    Me too! I'd try to hide my mag from the mic handlers because it was so obvious I wasn't paying much attention.

    but a lot of times it was too deep for a young person. (for me anyhow)

    I doubt it. I think sometimes the WTBTS writers write confusingly with flowery speech "The sumptuous banquet table of the Lord God Almighty" ect., etc., just to confuse the issue - or when they haven't much to write about.


  • RR

    Apparently you guys have too much time on your hands!

    Less Religion and more Jesus!

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