Saddam accepts UN resolution

by Shakita 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shakita

    Well, Duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What do ya think? He was going to say "NO, come and get me?"

    Saddam is just playing games again. But, it is a new game now of zero tolerance.

    It is just a matter of time, but the inspectors will be the catalyst in this new game.

    My prediction is Saddam will piss off the inspectors once again, and the US and Britain will proceed with their war plan. This will be done with the backing of the security council and the rest of the world.

    What's your prediction?

  • Francois

    I can't see anything wrong with your prediction actually. I think we're going to wind up going over there and kicking his ass. Frankly I think we SHOULD do it so that the next middle eastern despot won't get the idea he can jerk around the world like Saddam has done.

    And while we're at it, we really ought to find Osama and separate him from his head.

  • JH

    Saddam has to be taken care of in either case. And also there is alot of oil there in that region. If the same Saddam lived somewhere in south Africa, maybe no fuss would be made. But OIL means alot to our economy, and Saddam is a threat to stability in the region.

  • Trauma_Hound

    Yep oil does mean alot to our economy, even though there's no god damn reason why we need oil. We can run vehicles off of several renewable resources.

  • ITguy

    Peace and Security! err....

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I think there are sites throughout Iraq that need to have the air temperature raised to about 1,000 degrees Celcius for about five hours, and I think that is exactly what will be happening "any day now" regardless of Saddam's games.

    Edited by - Nathan Natas on 13 November 2002 11:50:36

  • Shakita

    What the big surprise here is, they didn't wait until Friday to accept.

    Iraq has just sent a letter to the security council that said they will have to "deal with the resolution" despite its bad contents.

    Not a good way to start a truly honest inspection process, is it Saddam?

    Only time will tell on how he will twist the inspection process to suit his own agenda.

    The inspectors are wise now on his games of hide and seek.

    Oil or no Oil, there will be no one to use the oil if Saddam is not stopped in acquiring the nuclear weapons he needs to be to become the new leader of the Arab world.

  • Pathofthorns

    I think he might comply fully with the resolution. It is the best way for him to make the US look bad, for him to remain in power and for him to maintain control of Iraqi oil.

    The US military is tied up and the economy goes down the drain while the war on terrorism goes nowhere. Compliance with resolutions will lead to sanctions being lifted and his people will gain renewed confidence in him.

    Imo, full compliance with the UN resolution is the best way and probably the only way Sadaam can beat the US. Why does he need weapons of mass destruction anyway?


  • JH

    Talking about Peace&Security, do you believe that we are in it, or is it to come? You know since about 1990 with the collapse of the Soviet Onion, we had less reasons to doubt a war with the King of the North. So in a way we are living a relative peacefull time.

  • Shakita


    I remember 15 years ago speaking to householders at the doors at the King of the North and the King of the South, pushing and shoving, and......geeze....did I really do that? Did I really believe that?

    There will never be total peace and security on this planet. There will always be those who are mentally disturbed and power hungry to dominate others. As you can see, my faith in a God who will come to the rescue is almost nonexistant. I do think that we will come to a point where we can have relative peace and security. Only by truly understanding and accepting the global cultural differences, can we learn not to hate our fellow man. This must be done with our children. They are the next great hope for a peaceful and secure world.

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