Ambush is back just thought id say hello fell free 2 post what ever u like and let me know anything u want 2 know about valis+
Good morning 2 all u former Dubs out there
by ambush22 10 Replies latest jw friends
is any 1 out there
hi Ambush,
welcome back
Valis is awesome......
Would he make a good husband?
Is Valis' place really crawling with Smurfs and Smurfettes ?
where were you?
and what is Big brother up to?
Does Valis wear hair extensions?
well i was away working 4 a carnival, yes i am now a carny, the stigma i now carry is a heavy load,
Valis is good marige material, only if u like the crude obscene and vulgar
last time i checked the smurfs were all out 4 a day at the strip club
the district overbeer is just lounging 2day after his recovery from near fatal monkey diseases he contracted from inapropriate contact
oh valis does not wear hair extensions he has real horse hair, being a horses ass
Edited by - ambush22 on 14 November 2002 15:47:1
You're not doing a good job, are you !
any more questions about our loving district overbeer
ask no qquestions b told no lies nuthin but the stight "truth"