i was just asking because we have 6 elders and 6 ms's, and they just eliminated the only brother that was reading the wt who was NOT a servant.... it is weird because we don't have hardly any "middle of the road" brothers, they are either servants or rarely come to the meetings the ONLY decent brothers we have are the late teens who come with their parents, i just had a hard time when they said that my hours were NOT good enough , they said,,"there is no rule or quota to meet,,,,BUT we won't consider anyone without the national average and the CO will ask what my problem is because i am not in double digits" i kinda went off on the brother and said he was contradicting himself
Soon the sisters will be handling these lesser responsibilities.
Jim, it may have been suggested privately and done in some small, outlying congregations, but the official WTS policy as rendered by the COs I have met is this: If there are no brothers other than the elders qualified to do the microphones, then the elders will do the microphones. At no time will sisters do microphones.
Blondie (of the "let them clean the toilets" class)
A friend of mine was finally judged qualified enough to become a ms - he was immediately assigned the privilege of mowing the kh lawn. This is a 5 hour job, every week, due to the size of the cheap land that the brothers bought, out in the backwoods. After being counselled regularly on his lawn-cutting skills he finally told the elder that, at the salary he was getting, nobody had a right to criticize his efforts, and that the elder could just do the job himself. Was it really a privilege? Funny, the elder didn't seem to relish the job and promptly assigned it to another aspiring ms.
Privilege? : in my experience in kh's, quick-builds and Ass's = free slave labour