Hello everyone,
I feel very sad today. I see my old JW friends almost every day on my way to the subway, they are street witnessing. I've talked to a couple of them about my doubts, etc. They have encouraged me to "come back" to the hall, especially now, that I have been laid off.
Most of you know by now if you've read my profile that I am currently on private reproof (well it's no longer private now, to you folks, I guess). I had been given my commenting priveleges back at my old cong. but, still not allowed to give talks or demos, etc. If you notice, it has been quite a while since I was put on PR: 1996. I wonder why it has taken me so long to get back? These doubts just didn't happen overnight. I haven't been to a KH for over a year now, except for the Memorial.
One brother invited me to come to the meeting tonight...to start back. And well, I am just not feeling it. I do still have a spiritual need, but I can't even skim through a WT or A without feeling sad or angry. The brother made a comment that I shouldn't feel bad about coming back now that I am laid off or that I shouldn't worry if some of the bros. & sis. might think "Oh, now she needs us because she's laid off, or "she shouldn't have put her job attendance before meeting attendance" (I worked a second shift).
Tonight is our MS and SM.
I was wondering how any of you may feel and how you are filling your spiritual needs, if you have any? This website has given me a lot to think about and you all have confirmed a lot of my feelings.
Thank You, for the insight You have given me!