Hi Heff:
I'm with you on wishing all JW's would have to read these posts.
Hopefully the number having their eyes opened would be greater than the type of effect it's had on a current poster StiLLinTruth. He's read and "studied" several sites with his study conductor when coming into the "truth" and his arrogant, self-satisfied, you're all dog dirt, attitude is unbelievable. He's the type of JW that has contributed and even caused the fall, depression, worthless feelings that many of those who have left the org. and are here, have felt or many are still feeling. If someone like him becomes an elder there'll be a even greater exodus.
Welcome here, You'll find many friends who enjoy giving encouragement and a good funny stories too.
Hi Hippikon:
I'd be interested too in the Candadian report you mentioned about the psycological effects of df'ing. I know for a fact the effects are devastating. JW's spout scriptures about Jehovah discipling those he loves....and...no discipline seems pleasant at the time,but it's for our own good.
That's not discipline. That's just plain cruel, vindictive, controlling, maniacal, lunacy breaking up happy family lives.
I've so...
Had Enough