will you let your kids see Hairy Porter and the Chamber of Demons? The nameless one's little peeps ain't a seeing that mess. spiritism is a work of the flesh. the devil is crafty. he done fooled a whole world of people. but exercise your conscience, folks! LOL.
Hairy Porter and the Chamber of Demons
by comforter 49 Replies latest jw friends
*gushing* Thanks so much for your permission Comforter! And for the reminder...gotta go order our tickets online...we're gonna see it as soon as the kids get home from school today!
Oh yes!!!! My daughter will be seeing it tonight with her father. I might have to call my mother and mention it. That should make her want to puke. Hehehe!!!!
-P(J) -
Lil ones hell I can't wait to see that movie. Don't judge a movie til you see it. This movie is no worse than any disney movie.
Yes... been waiting for the release... 7.30 tonight... Hope we'll find a seat It's the most wonderful story I've read in a long time ! Read all 4 books five time each already...
f-off, you piss-wit.
Hmmm....Has "The Witchtower" ever warned against the Harry Potter movie/books by name? --VM44
Hello, Comforter,
I would be very interested if you could quote any WBTS publications that advise Witnesses not to read/watch Harry Potter.
This is a serious question, BTW.
I'm taking a busload of kids from school to see the morning showing of Harry Potter. Maybe afterwards I"ll stop by one of satans temples.
Ah, 'hovah superstition. Ain't it grand! I know it's at the top of MY list for things to worry about.