How long will it take for elders in congregations to wake up to the fraud that is draining the moneys that Kingdom Hall funds in many circuits are now being siphoned off to the Governing Body in the U.S.A.
Example : K.H.takes out a lone from the society to do renovations over x amount of years usually no more than 5-10 ?
New light comes from the Governing Body to the rank and file, KH no longer has to pay the loan off , a blessing from Jehovah that free`s them from this loan. Put on the notice board for all to see in the congregation.
In this same letter , not to be seen by the rank and file , and not to be put on the notice board , for the body of elders eyes only is this.
Get the rank and file , members of the congregation to pledge what they would have had to pay for the loan and no less .
And how long were they to pay this pledge ? that they had made ? apparently forever as their was no cut off date as to when this pledge would expire.
Also this same pledge was to be made by congregations that did not have a loan owing to the society , yet they too were expected to join this scheme .
And to my knowledge , nearly all congregations agreed to this arrangement .
Are the rank and file so stupid as to not see how they have been screwed ?
Are the elders so thick that they cannot see what has happened here
Or does this demonstrate how cults blind the minds of followers so much they cant function rationally .
Are they so indoctrinated that they are blinded to being fleeced by a manipulating organization that is only interested in obtaining wealth at the expense of their parishioners .