The Watchtower Plot Against Us

by Sirona 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sirona

    The Watchtower organisation has been guilty of major coverups and blatant lies.

    It does not want ex JWs telling others what they know.

    Does it ever occur to you that the Watchtower have people who post on this board, gathering information about us? They could use it against us at any time....they could keep a record of what we say on our posts and establish who we really are.

    e.g. people who I hardly ever speak to on this board suddenly seem to know details about me. Did I mention something inadvertantly in a post and they've added that to their profile of me?

    Do I sound paranoid? Probably, but I would not underestimate them, or any other person on the net who may wish to cause us harm. DONT give out personal information.

    Do you think that those posing as EXJW on this site might actually be JWs trying to DF us?


  • Outaservice


    A lot of us do not care if or what the Watchtower knows about us or what they think of us. We publically confess we are opposed to their God dishonoring ways and have no fear of them.

    If you need to keep yourself 'confidential' because of family or other reasons, then you do need to be careful what you say.


  • hamptonite21

    please email me and let me know what your smoking!

  • mrs rocky2
    mrs rocky2


    I can sympathize with what you are feeling. And it is true, many on this board have nothing to lose if their identities are know. But there are some of us still trying to stay under the radar. Most of my extended family and in-laws are still loyal to WT. Some of them know we are doing the fade away, and even know some of our closest friends are apostates. Others suspect but have not confronted us, mostly because they live far away - out of sight, out of mind. But I do try to be very careful to avoid sharing too much information here that would uniquely identify me or my family. Only because the shunning practice would be devasting to deal with for both mother and mother-in-law. If it were only the dads and brothers to lose it probably wouldn't be an issue for me. I would really like to be let go of any ties to WT but must be patient until mother and mother-in-law are in a place to handle the consequences. Warm regards to you,

    Mrs R

  • gsx1138

    I know we like to go on and on about the WTS and their evil but really they aren't that important. In the scheme of things they are nothing more than a small cult who have ruined plenty of lives. We blow them up into more than what they are because of our personal experiences. The reality is they are just a flash in the pan. Their importance is only measured by how much control we give them.

  • Kenneson

    As far as I am concerned, disfellowshipping was the best thing that ever happened to me? I can't tell you enough what freedom and peace it has brought me.

  • neyank

    Of course if you're woried about people finding out your identity,
    do not give out any information about yourself.

    gsx1138 said:
    "In the scheme of things they are nothing more than a small cult who have ruined plenty of lives. We blow them up into more than what they are because of our personal experiences."

    He is right.

    They are ONLY a small cult.
    They say 6 million members?!?

    I don't really believe that number.
    I think the WTS wanted to come up with a large number of publishers to show that they were growing.
    To give a boost to the r&f to make them think that they really are reaching people with thier version of 'good news'.

    But that's just my thought on the matter.
    I don't want to hijack your post by going in a diferent direction with this.

    Going back to your concern about info being found out by the WTS.
    Your concern does have merit.
    I'm sure there are many people that are still attending meetings and posting on this board.
    So just don't release any personal info. that you feel could lead someone to find out your identity.


  • shera

    I can see some of them trying to do that...but I DA mayself 10 yrs ago and I couldn't care less what they thought about me.They seem to think they still have some sort of control over..xjw's

    We have to tell JW's we are DF of we really?I'll tell em because I want to,and if I don't want to..I simply won't

  • Wren

    Sirona, I don't post much because another forum member, in my area, was busted by JW family/friends. The confrontation did not sound pretty. My daughter saw a JW elder & pioneer wife relative on a web page with a JW DF topic. It did not look like the official Wt site.

    It matters to me because I still have minor children for a few more months. I don't wish to get caught up in any possible major fallout. Afterwards I'll say & do as I want. For now I play along.

    How about this? I'm in an un-jw protection program. For two CO visits now, nobody has shown up for this update on inactives. Hmm, guess who lives in our "mother-in-law" apt set up for free including all utilities, a company vehicle, and collects a generous salary working for our business until he gets on his feet? JW elder relative. My guess is somebody is covering & making excuses for us. Especially with that political candidates sign put in the front yard by my daughter.

    Sometimes It's like living in the former Soviet Union with the information control. I hate sounding paranoid, too. One of my favorite lines is a sarcastic: "They must be high on PCT"(Paranoid Conspiracy Theory). Edited can't spell

    Edited by - wren on 15 November 2002 21:38:18

    Edited by - wren on 15 November 2002 21:49:35

  • Kingpawn

    I feel sorry for anyone here who has to live in fear of the borg for the reasons mentioned. I wish all of you peace of mind in dealing with the stress of this until you can get the monkey off your back, if ever. I'm one of the very lucky ones. The only JW (now ex-JW) in my family, not real close to those in the cong., I had nothing to lose when I got kicked out.

    Several posts have been made by people who regret having steered their children into the borg because of the aftereffects. At the time you truly thought you were acting in their best interests. Do your children hold it against you? If they do, I'd hope they would take that philosophy to heart and cut you some slack. And that you the hurting children (now adults posting here) can likewise cut your parents some for the same reason. Maybe this weekend can be an opportunity to clear the air with them over this.

    Only those who knew it was wrong and still put their children at the mercy of the WBTS have anything to apologize for, imo.

    In Brave New World, the foreword starts out by saying that chronic remorse is a waste of energy. If you've erred, acknowledge it, do your best to make amends, and go on (something along those lines). Here it's the same thing.

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