Bad Day in White Rock

by Big Tex 20 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • outnfree

    Big Tex,

    That was an excellent piece of writing! Thank you for sharing. It always amazes me, a child's capacity for hope and self-delusion. My son is a combination of both of those children -- he wants so badly to be liked, but acts badly like Freddie to cover up his hurt sometimes...


    I thought the thousand year's light at the end was more the young boy's walking off into the hope of paradise. You know, that paradise we all yearned for, where people would eternally treat one another with the love, dignity and respect that each deserves.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


    The entire story has JW overtones to it (the character Freddie Henschel is a combination of Fred Franz and Milton Henschel). The main character is nameless because I wanted to express the child-like innocence of all of us when we first "come into the truth". Jesus said we should be as children when we approach God; I wanted to show how the Witnesses twist that innocence, use our misery with the world and warp a pure desire to be with God to their advantage and how often they hurt someone innocent, even crushing their spirit, without a thought or care. How many times have Witnesses taken something precious and crushed it? I also wanted to show that despite being treated so badly, the main character still yearns to find a place of acceptance.

    The ending I left obscure because I wanted anyone who reads it to decide on their own what happens next. Does he find what he's looking for, or is he fooling himself? I believe that is where each of us are right now. After our JW experiences we are looking for something else. Some of us are still looking for God; some are not. Ultimately it is up to each of us to find and prove to ourselves what we're looking for. No one else can do that for us. Thanks for asking.

  • teejay

    Way cool allegory, BT. If I didn't think so already, I'd surely think so now... ... you need to get published, Son. You have real skill with the ol' pen and paper, that's for sure.


    Thanks Teejay for bringing this thread back to life.

    I didn't realize it was written last year, and of course, from the hand and heart of Big Tex: not surprised.

    I loved it, read it. It's a great metaphor. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Thanks to Big Tex for writing it, you always have a knack for exquisite expression.

  • Kenneson

    It's a great story, but I didn't read anything J.W. into it.

  • teejay


    I read Big Tex's narrative of what happened early in his life, so when I read this one I wondered if it was a true story. After reading his explanation, I went back and read it again. Beautiful allegory to the experience we all had in the Organization. Brings to mind the song that my daughter will know by heart – a song that Samantha Mumba sings: "Don't Need You To Tell Me I'm Beautiful" ...

    I don't need you to give me your strength to make me feel I'm strong.
    I've got all of the strength that I need here inside my own two hands.
    All that I want is your love and respect for who I am.
    What I really need comes from deep inside of me.

    I don't need you to believe in me to make me know I'm worth believing in.
    I don't need you to lift me up high to know I can stand tall (I can stand tall).
    I can stand my own ground. I can stand proud upon my own two feet.
    Don't have to be part of somebody else to be complete.
    What I really need comes from deep inside of me.

    Don't need you to tell me I'm pretty...
    ..... to know I'm beautiful.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Nice job BT I hadn't read this before but while I was reading it I saw the JW stamp all over it - the lack of love, the promises that are reneged on, the need to be accepted by the R&F, the blame the victim and the always hopeful member that maybe tomorrow...


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Wow. Dayum, look what I find on a Sunday morning.

    teejay -- thanks for reading the story. I wrote it at the KH once while listening to a CO saying that if anyone doubts Jehovah, he does not listen to their prayers. God views them as dead. And that is the heart of this story. The idea that someone can approach God through this "Spirit Directed Organization" so innocently and child-like and yet discover to their horror that their hopes and dreams of something better were never really there. It was all an illusion. That is the JW overtone. However, the story can be read through other eyes as well.

    What fantastic lyrics. I'm going to have to check this song out and download it somewhere. This is my favourite: All that I want is your love and respect for who I am.
    What I really need comes from deep inside of me.

    Way cool. You da man teejay, don't let anyone tell you different.

    Rayzorblade and kenneson -- thanks. I'm glad you liked it. Means a lot. Maybe I should get some more down on paper.


  • teejay

    >>>I'm going to have to check this song out and download it somewhere.


    Let me know if you can't find it. I have it in mp3 format. I'll email it to you. I swear you'll love it.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Big Tex...

    You write well. You should put your talent to work and get published. Thanks for sharing.

    Double Edge

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