I am confident that it is as Listener says: Victims can voluntarily contact the commission and a lot of support will be provided to them.
Regardless of whether the RC connects them with support from elsewhere or actually does something about providing that help, they are doing a huge service and should stay focused on that- allowing these victims to be heard in a way that people stop and pay attention and believe them. That's way more than Watchtower did.
And your blood should boil at this. While, of course the primary thing is that the victims get help and move on, your JW wife is shifting the subject from our point of view. Our point of view is highlighting that God's organization is not all that members might think it is. She's taking her cognitive dissonance and shifting to thinking about innocent people being abused by wolves in sheep's clothing and what kind of help they need so that she can leave the organizational part out. The RC is not just there for revealing a thousand monsters that claim to be JW's. The RC is pointing out what part the Watchtower had in making things worse for these victims.