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Is the 'War on Terrorism' ideologically driven?
by cellomould 17 Replies latest jw friends
If you believe the bible, and the various prophetic interpretations--the the war on terror is prescripted-- like a VCR tape running-- and nothing we do or say will change the outcome. The game is being played by superpowerful supernatural beings and human beings are the chess pieces. So the war on terrorism is driven by forces beyond the control of man.
So the war on terrorism is driven by forces beyond the control of man.
I am not so sure about that...Mr Bush has been known to pray for Armageddon to come soon.
Edited by - cellomould on 16 November 2002 6:14:16
The "war on terror" is not ideology driven, it is OIL driven. Only ordinary Americans seem to be unaware of this.
This war cannot be explained as a reponse to what happened 11/9/02, why? Because Bush was talking about it well before that.
So gullable.
Americans - where would the world be without them? I just love 'em.
Didn't someone mention that Saddam once tried to assassinate George Bush's father during the Gulf War?Just one of many other reasons.Blueblades