Did you guys suffer the way I did every Xmas? Did you want it as much as I did?? What things went through your mind and soul?
As a JW Did you want Christmas?
by LovesDubs 26 Replies latest jw friends
It is not about religion....!
No, I hoped XMas would make my family life happier (abusive). But I watched other families fight on that day and knew XMas was not the cure.
Our first Christmas as witnesses was spent at the kingdom hall. During one of the songs my wife started crying and couldn't stop, we had to leave. Gee another red flag I missed.
We celebrated Christmas until I was in my teens, then we stopped. I had figured out that Christmas was the most hypocritical time of year. Everyone mooning around talking about "peace and goodwill" and love for everyone. I figured that if you could turn it on, like a switch, once a year only to turn it off again a few days later, it wasn't genuine to start with. Why not turn it on and leave it on? Forever?
Then I also saw my mother keep a list of everyone she got a card from. Then next year she'd update the list and cross off those who didn't send a card last year. And add the new ones. And run to the post office to send a card to someone who sent a card she hadn't sent one to. And like that.
I celebrated Christmas for my children. Still do. Now I have a grandbaby in the oven and you can bet I'll be celebrating again soon.
But I do wish if we were going to claim all this love once a year that the once a year would be all year long.
I can remember as a child this "excitement" in the air around Xmas time. There did seem to be an actual difference to me - I can't explaing it. I always got into trouble for humming on the xmas carols I'd hear in the stores - EVIL songs. And even knowng Xmas was "wrong", I still always felt a little happier in the weeks around the holiday, even though there was nothing in particular I was looking forward to.
Yes, I missed Christmas as a JW. It was a time when our whole family came together. I have family all over the US and they would all come home for Christmas, to my grandparents house.
Once my grandparents passed away, it was never the same but now we all meet at my mothers house. It is a much smaller gathering but it is still a happy time.
I grew up Catholic - so Christmas, get togethers & drinking came natural. For the most part, I enjoyed it. The smell of pine needles & the colors were hypnotic to me......and still are. I loved the smells of cooking, the anticipation of gifts.....and of giving special gifts to others.
When I became a jw at 18 - I truly missed this kind of thing. Created enormous hard feelings in our family. Of course, I thought I was doing the Right Thing, the True Religion thing. I comforted myself with "Well, I'm not involved with Pagan religion." Good ol' jw pat on the smug back.
Now? I have a small tree in house, discreetly. But I also do swags, etc & go wild. Love it! Nobody can fuss about going "natural & snowmen."
I love the colors and I've had pine scented candles for years. I cook more. And our family visits during the holidays. Thank goodness my kids are making up for lost years and thoroughly love the festivities! Last year was my first Christmas. My daughter's been out for 10 years & came over.....said I had more decorations than she did.....just sans the actual tree.
lol.........it is expensive though.
When i was a kid the worse part was AFTER Christmas when all the kids would be comparing their gifts...talk about feeling like i didn't belong.
My mom was great though....she would suprise me with gifts all through the year. -
Growing up as a witness, I never knew what it was like. Looking back, I think there were a lot of fun memories lost, that we could have enjoyed as kids with Christmas.
The worst part though, was telling others that I didn't celebrate Christmas, and the looks of sadness upon those that had wished us Happy Holidays. And then hearing about all the presents the kids got when I went to school.