The teachings and practices of the Society have changed greatly under five respective leaders.Russell, (Lets not forget Barbour,he was the one who published the 1914 date in july 1877,in the book "Three Worlds,page 83." It has been a central teaching of the WT.Society since then.)Rutherford,Knorr,Fred W.Franz and now Henschel.Most WT.publications over 10 yrs.old are outdated and are no longer used.The beliefs that "prove"they are the only true religion are different from their beliefs of fifty yrs.ago.However,the TRUTH will not and cannot change.Do you think we can expect the dates 1914 and 1935 to change because of running out of time?I realize that in spite of the changes,they expect members to be in complete agreement with their teachings and to be in complete obedience to the organization.Blueblades.
1914 and 1935 running out of time?
by Blueblades 14 Replies latest jw friends
Many religions are running out of time. The catholic church here in Quebec is dieing rapidly. Many churches are closing, and only old people still go. In 10 years or so, the only ones going will be too old. That will be an end of that religion as we know it, at least here. As far as the J.W., they will change whatever they need to stay alive. No one expected to see the year 2000 and still be in the "old system". But it happened, and they will have to many more changes in the futur. Since the witnesses are not supposed to read other literature, they are obliged, to accept everything as coming from God's channel of communication. New light should not go against old light, it should only add to it. But try to tell them that, you will be Disfellowshiped for doubting.
I believe the reason they came to me -to see if I would like to be reinstated -is because they will be changing 1914 soon -otherwise why would they come after 15 years? That was the only reason I was DF.
They changed the other things I had a disagreement with.First that Jesus DID NOT have a beard
Then this is the generation that will see armeggedon
I am waiiting for the 1914 change. Brooklyn! It has to come. Time is against you!!!!
Nathan Natas
I don't think the 1914 doctrine has to change because it is "running out of time" so much as it is completely at odds with recorded history, since it is based on an event that did not take place in 607 BCE as they claim.
I don't see any reason that the 1935 "sealing of the anointed" doctrine is "running out of time" either.
Perhaps, Blueblades, you could detail just how it is that you think these two specific doctrines are "running oout of time," please?
Not long ago I learned that the Seventh Day Adventists teach that since the year 1914 we have been living in the millennium, and that Armageddon and the "great tribulation" will come at the end of the millennium.
Now THAT'S and example of clever dogmatic strategy! The SDA doesn't have to worry about "failed prophecies" until 2914. I wonder if anyone in Brooklyn HQ was ever smacked his head and exclaimed, "DOH!" upon realizing how much better off the WTS would have been if it had the sense to avoid their perpetuallly failing "just around the corner" eschatology. Of course, if they change that now, they may as well give up their phoney-baloney "positions" and "authority" and become neophyte members of the SDA.
Edited by - Nathan Natas on 16 November 2002 12:43:53
Hi! NATHAN NATAS, First off I would like to say that "RE:1914 and 1935 running out of time".Are not my own thoughts.Other posts have expressed this thinking before.In his book COC.chapter 10 Ray Franz writes concerning 1914 and "This Generation".For more than three decades the year 1914 was pointed" Foward" to as the "Terminal Point" for the WT's.time prophecies.Now for some eight decades,that same date has been pointed "Backwards"to as the "Starting Point"for the time prophecy that constitutes the major stimulus to "urgency"in the activity of JW'S.Take away 1914 and its claimed significance, and the basis for their authority largely evaporates.The evidence shows that the Governing Body has felt a considerable degree of discomfort as regards this major "'TIME PROPHECY".The "TIME-FRAME" allotted for its fulfillment has proved embarrassingly short and narrow as to covering the things foretold.The passing of each year has only served to accentuate the discomfort felt"This ends the part from his book .Now, when the society deleted all reference to 1914 in its 1995 NOV.8TH.AWAKE issue that presented graphic evidence of a crucial change in connection with time running out for the society concerning the fulfillment of this doctrine.As for 1935,in short the yearbooks continue to show an increase in the number of anointed members,(they call them replacement numbers)Also articles that talk about Chieftains and Glorious ones attributing to them same kind of position as the anointed is watering down the teaching that 1935 saw the door being shut for a heavenly calling.This what I mean when I think that 1914 and 1935 doctrines are running out of time.Nathan,thats all I was implying about time running out for the Governing Body.I agree that 1914 is at odds with recorded history. What I am addressing are their claims to the two dates in question.Blueblades
I wonder if anyone in Brooklyn HQ was ever smacked his head and exclaimed, "DOH!" upon realizing how much better off the WTS would have been if it had the sense to avoid their perpetuallly failing "just around the corner" eschatology.
Given the stunning influx of long-term, volume purchasers of low-cost, high revenue return Watchtower publications during a critical period needed to achieve greater financial and psychological control, I can imagine the only head banging at headquarters is how to come up with another financially successful marketing scheme, with the fortuitous timing and financial success 1914 had.
These two dates ran out long 1914 and in 1935. However, there is virtually no chance that the GB will ever get rid of these dates, because without them, they would
a) no longer have any "validation" to their being "appointed" by God in 1919 to be the F&DS Class, and
b) without the "closing" date of 1935 for the 144,000 this would mean that tens of thousands more might start professing to be of the "annoying".....I mean "annointed" class. And nothing is more irritating to these old goats than yunguns not remembering their proper place in the Borg.....
Both dates are pure bullshit and they know it. But since when did that ever stop them from promoting?
1919 is the big date now.
The redefinition of the terms "pass away" and "generation" in 1995 bought some additonal time for the 1914 date. However the 1935 date is in trouble for virtually the same reason that the 1914 date was and its time has just about run out.
As the WTB&TS itself put it:
Especially beginning in 1935, when the identity of the great multitude, or great crowd, was clearly understood, large numbers of these began to manifest themselves.Gods infallible Word depicts this group as coming out of the great tribulation, being survivors of it, living right on into Gods New Order without ever having to die. (Revelation 7:9, 10, 14; John 11:26) The early members of this group are now in their 60s or 70s or older. Jehovah did not allow the ingathering of this group to begin too soon. The great crowd, including many of the earliest members thereof, will survive into the new earth.
Survival into a New Earth 1984 p.185
The problem is that they have made the publications and meetings so boring and repetative that most witnesses pretty much don't even know the "deep things" about their own doctrine so that when they slightly change things over time, the less astute, which are most of them, simply go along with the flow, not skipping a beat. That and the fact that the R7F pretty much think that the F&DS are infallable, even with proof otherwise, that they will just swallow any tripe that is handed down to them. Any explanation that they make for the eventual changing of these dates, and they will have to change something eventually, will be bought overwhelmingly, hook, line and sinker. Fortunately, they seem to have reached a critical mass of people who want others to think for them. The only thing that will bring down the organization is the children.