by Mary 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc

    For those of you who believe that creatures for outer space come to visit us, I have to ask some questions. 1. How far away is the nearest planet that could support life? 2. How long would it take them to get from their planet to ours? 3. How much food and water would they have to have on board a space craft in order to get here and back? I am sorry if I confused you with factual questions, since your minds are made up.

  • Krazylady

    Larc....Not to burst yer mind is NOT made up. I am a skeptic if you go by the definition of "one who with holds judgement'. But, on the other hand, I am interested enough to have an open mind, and not to be so arrogant as to think that humans are the ultimate civilization, with the most advanced technology in the universe. Just because WE couldn't travel such vast distances (yet) doesn't mean someone else couldn't. Sometimes skeptics can be a wee bit small minded with their assumptions, dontcha think?.....Just something I find I have to guard against myself. Of course life experiences have taken me down a peg or two now and then. Krazylady

  • MrMoe

    Larc - But silly, it's just like Star Trek Gazillion warp speed, food replicators, ya know...

    Anyhow, I am a skeptic, though I believe there is probably life on other planets. Seriously, isn't it a bit arrogant to think we are the only life forms in the entire Universe?

    Edited by - MrMoe on 17 November 2002 17:18:8

  • larc

    Dear Krazy, thank you calling me small minded. That was very nice of you. I could also call some people gullible, would that apply as well? Now, for you and Mr. Moe, I think it is quite possible that there are other life forms on other planets, way out there in space. I don't think it is possible for them to come visit. The logistics would be quite difficult, and probably would be impossible.

  • MrMoe

    Larc- Understood and I may agree, haven't seen any aliens yet. so, until I see, I demand PROOF. Now, Larc darling, u never answered my last post on the astrology thread.

    (FYI running out of posts for the day folks)

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ
    1. How far away is the nearest planet that could support life?

    I don't really know but I'm sure it is quite far.

    2. How long would it take them to get from their planet to ours?

    Depending on their technology it could just be a little afternoon space trip for them. So such a long journey with our technology wouldn't be possible. So what? They wouldn't be using our technology.

    3. How much food and water would they have to have on board a space craft in order to get here and back?

    Well, if they have good enough technology not much. If its a short trip then they wouldn't need very much to get them here.

    I'm not saying that I believe aliens have visited earth or anything, just arguing your logic against such an event. I don't know if they have been to earth but I remain open to such a possibility. Arguements like this, as well if dad and I exist, are hard ones because where there could be many very sound explanations as to why its not real, its near impossible to prove nonexistance. Proof for existance is much easier though, all it would take is one good sign beyond a shadow of a doubt.

  • rem

    Jesus Christ, aren't you supposed to know how far the nearest planet to earth is? :D

    I agree that there may be intelligent life on other planets, but so far there is no credible evidence that any intelligent beings have visited the earth. Such a claim is quite extraordinary and extraordinary evidence would be required for a skeptic to accept it.

    Maybe in science fiction greater than light-speed travel is possible, but as far as we know, the laws of physics don't allow matter to reach or exceed such speeds. This is where Occham's Razor comes into play. Why come to outlandish conclusions from curious finds when there are many more prosaic explanations possible. That is the argument from ignorance: since we can't explain it with what we know right now we should jump to the conclusion of a cause with a miniscule possiblity (such as aliens from outerspace).


  • CoolBreeze

    Why do they have to from another planet? Why not from another dimension? How about vistors from the future?


  • neyank

    Hi larc,

    How far away is the nearest planet that could support life?

    How long would it take them to get from their planet to ours?

    How much food and water would they have to have on board a space craft in order to get here and back?

    All good questions larc.
    But no one here can give a answer to these questions because we can only look at this subject with our limited knowledge.

    You said:

    "I could also call some people gullible, would that apply as well?"

    Yes. Gullible if they believed something that proved to be false and still believed it.
    You know. Kind of like believing the WTS speaks for God when all proof shows that they do not.

    I don't think I would say that ufos don't exist because I haven't seen one land and et stepped out of it.

    I also wouldn't say that they definitely exist because I haven't seen one.

    I do think there have been too many sightings of something.
    Whether spacecraft of somekind, I don't know.

    And alot of so called ufos have been explained reasonably.
    Proving that they weren't from out of space.

    Other sightings?
    I don't know.

    But I'll keep an open mind on this subject.
    Because at the moment can we really be so sure as to say that they definitely don't exist?


  • rem
    Why do they have to from another planet? Why not from another dimension? How about vistors from the future?

    Or even more prosaic explanations, such as weather balloons, top secret military planes, hallucinations, hoaxes?

    I do think there have been too many sightings of something.
    Whether spacecraft of somekind, I don't know.
    But I'll keep an open mind on this subject.
    Because at the moment can we really be so sure as to say that they definitely don't exist?

    There are many sightings of all kinds of things, including ghosts, fairies, bigfoot, the lochness monster, abonimable snowmen, Elvis, etc. Sure we can keep an open mind about such things, but there is no sense in believing in them unless there is good evidence for them. So far, there is none.


    Edited by - rem on 17 November 2002 21:25:0

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