weak people

by vanilla sky 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I still don't understand the question.

  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    It's easy for some of us to say "weak willed." I heard the same thing over and over in A.A., and that's one contributing factor to my departure. Although I use that term at home in private conversation about some. You know, the human angle we all get lost in.....

    And don't forget the old addage about opinions....we all have them. No offense meant by that either. It's just that we all do hold near and dear our opinions. But there are many who seem to think their opinion is more important then other's. Then you get, well you know...and it sure ain't peace and love so many preach about.

    I think it's easy for many to get caught up in a belief system that shapes to our ideas. Personally I tired of hearing this and that when in fact, or for me at least, what I was being told didn't/doesn't match actions. That included all the psychic new age stuff, too. And of course organized religion of any sort is out of the question, too. And I don't want to forget politics! How do you know when a politician is lying? When his lips are moving. Same old "joke" in A.A., and for attorneys.

    So what works for me today is just doing my thing whatever it might be and accept responsiblity for my decisions. Maybe because I'm getting older, and as long as people don't try and shove their belief at me because don't ya' know, they all know what's best for everyone yadayadayada......that's when I take leave.

    Be true to thine self, eh.


  • breeze

    If you are asking, have I as the weak person that I am, joined another cultlike org?


    One stupid group of ideas is enough for a while?


  • Windchaser

    haha, Minimus. Have I told you lately that I like you?

    LB, you do resemble Carlos S. Yummy....

    I don't know if I can say that anything would be better to believe than what we swallowed as jws, but I personally am happy to just believe that the creator cares about me. Okay, that sounds sappy, but it's basically all I need.

  • minimus

    windchaser, I was wondering about you.

  • Windchaser

    Thanks, Minimus, I've been busy working two jobs. It's not so bad, but don't have much time to come here anymore. In fact, I gotta go now and get ready for work!

    Really miss you and so many here,


  • COMF
    Why act like you have all of the answers. No one does. its arrogance to think you do.

    It's arrogance to think that we think we do.

  • Francois

    Uuuuuum, do you mean something like going from the JW cult of systemic beliefs, to buying into the fanatic belief in a make-believe version of Zionism practiced as a cult? Like that? Is that what you mean?

  • pettygrudger

    Oh JJRizzo - does it always have to be about you?!!!

    Vanilla - I'm confused by your post - we all have to figure out what makes sense for ourselves - jumping from one thing to another? What are you talking about.

  • ugg

    weak???????? yeah,,,ok,,,,i admit it,,,,one of the 1000's of things i am working on....

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