I decided to start this thread, because so many time we go at each other because of difference of opinion.( myself included ) But yet for me I love this place. I love the different opionions, they make me think, I love the freedom of expression, the friendships, and the expriences that make this a special healing place. How about you?
by hamptonite21 35 Replies latest jw friends
Hamptonite - I love this board, because I have come across so many genuine people, not at all what you could call "apostates" It has made us (Me & Kaytee) realise that the problems in the JWs are not just local ones, we often used to say, "we've got a bad lot of elders here in ...", but know we realise from reading everyone's comments and Ray's books, just how corrupt the Organisation really is. I must admit that I sometimes cringe when some foul language is used, but then I'm not judging anyone for that. I realise just how bitter and sad, some people can get when they have been duped and brain washed for many years. Thanks to everyone for their comments
I love this board because it is the place I found freedom to express my fears, and hopes and my jokes and expressions of joys. When I found this place I was searching the web to see if there was any other ex jws floating around and if I could find any who could help me get over my feelings of depression. Wow did I ever find a place and its almost been a year and I am hoping to get to jedi statis before December 1st. 2002 I have found great friends and have shared funny stories and sad ones too, heard stories of hurtfulness and drepression, anger and disappointment,and friends illnesses and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. Because you are my best friends and I love this board. and all of you.
Love Orangefatcat.
I love this board because I have friends who I truly care about, and I get alot of love in return.
I love this board because I am learning things, I feel my mind is working again,,,.
I love this board because it makes me laugh, cry and I feel more alive, all the emotions that make the spice of life.
I love this board because I love to express myself in the written form,,,,,,, ok typed form.
I love this board because I love to talk, and have conversations in chat and get to know others , by hearing their feelings
I love this board because it feels like,,,,,,,,,,,,,, home.
I like it cuz' Tom and FOCUS post here.
I like it for the exhaustive amount of research and hyperlinks that are available. The flow is constant and keeps me busy.
I like it for the dynamic 'people'. Very fascinating to observe. Negative and Positive.
I like it for a few 'other' reasons, yet those are paramount.
Who said I love it? For a freakin' year now I try to stay away... EEK! It is a love/hate thing for me... *throws bananas and gerbils*
I agree Moe! The people I have met here have enriched my life to an extrordinary degree, but when you get close to people in this kind of environment you get inevitable problems!
It has played a big part in freeing me from the WT propaganda. I have also met a few people who I consider friends and others who I would like to know better. There are many caring people who post here and I like the feeling that people are normally this way. There are always a few ass holes around but I like hearing their thoughts too. It's a good place to express you feelings, good or bad and always makes me feel better.
Ken P.
I think the reason I like coming to this board and reading all the post,
is because after trying for so many years to convince myself of something
that was not right at all in my own mind and trying to please so many
people, and constantly looking over my shoulder to see if I was going
to get the proverbial knife in the back for some improper thing I might have
been guilty of never quite knowing just what that might might be.
I love the freedom here of not having to be a people pleaser.
Not having to watch each and every word that is spoken,
I feel that we may speak freely from our hearts,about our worship of God!
Freely about whatever the subject might be actually, I feel it is a blessing.
For so many years I thought I was the only one that could not see this
W T S dogma,I just thought I was lacking holy spirit, but now I know
I'm not. It is such a good feeling, knowing your not all alone.
So yes I do love visiting this discussion fourm!!!!!!!!!!!
I love this board because all the people are helping me through a very diffuclt time with getting shunned from my family.
Even tho we sometimes disagree I feel that we all need each other in some way other wise we wouldnt be here.
And plus.. it would be a very boring world if we all shared the same opinion
Kelps.. (who hates to fight)