Remember how embarrassing it was to show up at someone's door on a holiday?When I was a teenager I went out with a very zealous pioneer sister on Christmas day.We worked an upscale neighborhood of town and of course all the servants were off so they would answer the door themselves.I rang one doorbell and a lady came to the door and I could see her family inside sitting in chairs in a circle opening gifts.They all looked at me to see who in the world was calling on Christmas,I suppose.I gave my presentation with a red face and she just looked at me and said"Don't you know today is Christmas?"How embarrassing is THAT?So glad I don't have to do that anymore.
Going in service on holidays
by dsgal 25 Replies latest jw friends
I hated going out on christmas day when I was little. When I was about 9 I started refusing to go on the holidays. I would tell my parents let the people have their holiday, I am not going.
i always hated going out witnessing on any holiday....i use to get embarrassed of the fact of bothering people on christmas day etc
I refused to go to a persons door on the holidays and I thought this belonged to families. Having privacy sometime in their live from Jehovah's Witnesses was their right. I didn't what others thought of me, that is how I thought.
I would only go out on thanksgiving, that was it
mrs rocky2
A number of years ago my mother-in-law went to a door of a neighbor family on Christmas day. It was not pleasant for either the household or my mother-in-law. That household was added to the list of 'do-not-calls' and continues to this day to be very anti-JW. The mother of this family is a teacher at the local school. Previous to this holiday JW call she had been quite kind and considerate to JW children. Since then she has been less patient. Holiday witnessing around here seems to do more damage than good. Another alienating practice of WT. For all of you who felt it was invading family privacy - AMEN!
Mrs R
We would only do return visits.Leave the lastest magazines and that's it.One hour and back home.Blueblades
I always go out on the ministry on Christmas Day (not this year though!). I find that people are a lot nicer to witnesses than they usually are; a little more tolerant and sympathetic I guess. I've had some really good chats about the life of Jesus, the ransom sacrifice, the traditions of Christmas vs. the bible etc on Christmas day and Boxing Day (non British and Canadian - that's the 26th). Last Christmas I think I was showing some early signs of changing my viewpoint. I got chatting on the doors with this very knowledgeable guy and for the first time ever while I was on the ministry I was more interested in what he had to say than to get my bullsh*t over. I was left thinking that the witnesses attitude to Christmas was deeply flawed.
i always felt it was so rude,,,,i only went out a couple of times on a holiday,,,,
We had the same feeling Matty did. People were nicer that day. We usually went out on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Not New Year's Day though. We had a big family get together all day, eating great snacks and watching Football.