While it has been fairly well established that the wt monitors this site, i believe that it is not the only body doing so. This site, and others like it, are open to anyone, anywhere in the world w an internet connection. All this is available, not just to individuals, but also to advertising adgencies, intelligence agencies, corporations, etc. While many have released their true identities and other personal info, we should nevertheless be aware that nothing posted here is private, forevermore. If the above named groups use the info, is unknown, but i think that they attempt to monitor, at the least, strategic discussion groups just to keeps their eyes on which way the winds in our societies are blowing. This monitoring helps them to stay on top of societal developements, which in turn enables corporte bodies to stay competitive and profitable, govts to keep control, spotting anything they consider threatening to their interests. As 'homeland security' issues grow, old discussion boards may even be mined for info that becomes pertinent. Therefore, i believe we should use caution when responding to threads such as minimus' numerous question threads.
My assessment and prediction could be out of wack. Feel free to voice your opinions on this matter.