Let's have a big hand for...
by username 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals
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disposable hero of hypocrisy
Hear, hear!
Jolly good show old chaps, well done!
The Searcher
Totally! -
I'd also like to thank you Barbara for the advance alerts you give about upcoming tv/radio broadcasts, etc.
I use those as opportunities to "accidentally stumble" upon a show while my JW wife is sitting with me watching/listening. I do believe by her comments that one of her glued-shut eyeballs is peeking open.
Thank you for everything, Barbara.
Thank you so much for all the effort on the part of Barbara, Joe and C0ntr013r -
Thank you!!! -
Yes, this has been riveting watching these last few days. Thanks so much for your efforts in making these available.
Hear, hear! Thank you! -
As always many thanks to COntr013r
Barbara Anderson should be forwarded for a nobel award, her personal integrity and hard work for victims of abuse is peerless.