Washing State Rep, purposes changes to clergy sex

by Trauma_Hound 18 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Trauma_Hound


    Changes proposed in state laws to target clergy sex abuse


    Associated Press

    SEATTLE State officials and religious groups, unwilling to rely on a national policy dealing with sexually abusive priests, are seeking protection and justice for potential victims through changes in civil laws.

    Rep. Mary Lou Dickerson, D-Seattle, has drafted legislation to present in Olympia during the 2003 Legislative session that would add clergy to a list of those required to report any suspicions of child abuse or neglect.

    Joining her in her movement are former Spokane County Prosecutor Don Brockett and the Puget Sound Voice of the Faithful, a lay reform group created in response to the nation's molestation scandals.

    Brockett, working with the Spokane chapter of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, wants all criminal and civil statutes of limitations on child sexual-abuse cases eliminated.

    "I think the Catholic Church the lay people, not the hierarchy is going to have to address this problem," he said.

    "All of us Catholics are pretty upset that this could happen in the church and the hierarchy covered it up. It's a feeling of betrayal."

    The Voice of the Faithful also intends to work with legislators to change state laws governing mandatory reporting by clergy.

    Their efforts are part of a nationwide movement to change state laws governing child sexual abuse.

    On Wednesday, U.S. Roman Catholic bishops approved revised policy allowing bishops to conduct a confidential, preliminary inquiry when a molestation claim is made to determine whether it is plausible. If so, the accused priest is to be put on leave, then must go before a clerical tribunal to determine his guilt or innocence.

    Bishops are compelled to obey local civil laws when it comes to reporting abuse claims, but no more than that.

    However, Washington is one of about 20 states not requiring clergy to report suspicions of child abuse. State law mandates those in many professions, including psychologists, licensed child-care providers and teachers, report such suspicions, but a requirement that clergy do so was removed in the mid-1970s.

    "My reaction was, 'Well, we darn well better do something about that,' " Dickerson said.

    Her legislation would require all clergy to report suspicions of child abuse, with an exemption for abuse that's disclosed during confession or similar confidential talks. Most, if not all, states with mandatory clergy reporting have such an exemption.

    "I know this is a problem not only for the Catholic Church," Dickerson said. "We're talking about all clergy. We want to make sure that in this state there is an ironclad requirement to report child sex abuse."

    Congregation members at St. James in Seattle respond to the proposed legislation.

    "I do think that they haven't done that great a job reporting it themselves. Frankly I'm a little bit disappointed, said Mike Hernandez.

    "I think we can trust them to do it on their own. I have confidence in an organization that's been around for a couple of thousand years and has made mistakes but has always been able to come back, said John OBrien.

  • Trauma_Hound

    If you live in Washington state please contact your local reps, and encourage them to support this. Mary Lou Dickerson, happens to be my local rep, I'm also going to write her, and see what she thinks of repealing the statute of limitations for reporting the crime, and making it forever, like murder.

  • Trauma_Hound

    E-mail I sent to my rep:

    The following message was sent to Representative Dickerson:
    TO:Representative Mary Lou Dickerson
    FROM:Charles Eakins
    Seattle, WA 98103
    [email protected]
    SUBJECT:Clergy Reporting sex abuse bill.
    Dear Rep. Dickerson,
     I'm contacting you, to let you know, I fully support your 
    purposal, to change the sex abuse reporting laws to include clergy. As you don't
    know, I'm part of a start up organisation, called Silentlambs (www.silentlambs.org)
    this is a place where Current and Ex-Jehovah's witnesses that are victims of abuse
    from members and clergy of that religion can go, for advice and help in finding
    resources, such as counceling etc, and legal help. Thank you for fighting for
    victim rights. However I think there is more that needs to be done. One suggestion
    since the JW's are a very closed religion, and try to sweep these things under the carpet,
    so some cases don't get reported for years. In my case, my sister, and 6 other cousins were
    molested by my uncle, the statute of limitations are up for them, even though it 
    looks like at least my sister will have a felonie case against an officer that 
    refused to do anything about it, since she was under 14, when she was molested. 
    Sorry for the rambling, a little upset about this whole situation. Anyways to get to
    what I'm trying to say, I would like the statute of limitations repealed, and in it's
    place, the same wording as for capital murder. Another-words there is no statute of
    limitations for sex abuse crimes like this. Child molestion, in my opionion is
    as bad, if not worse than murder, the child has to live with the guilt, shame
    etc, for the rest of they're lives, so why shouldn't the perp be persued for the rest of
    they're lives? 
    Thank you for your time. 
    Charles Eakins

    Edited by - Trauma_Hound on 18 November 2002 9:6:21

  • Trauma_Hound
  • Trauma_Hound

    BTTT, wow only 29 views, that's pretty low, considering this isn't a fluf post.

  • Princess

    Steve read me that article while I was making breakfast Sunday. I was impressed until he read this:

    Her legislation would require all clergy to report suspicions of child abuse, with an exemption for abuse that's disclosed during confession or similar confidential talks. Most, if not all, states with mandatory clergy reporting have such an exemption.

    What's the point then? If the clergy suspect "Bob" is abusing "Janie" they should report it, but if "Bob" confesses he was abusing "Janie" then they don't have to because it's confidential?

    I was disappointed because it seemed like such a bold move then she made it completely irrelevant by adding the above.


  • Mulan

    Yes, that line jumped out at me too. What is wrong with this proposal, is it doesn't include confidential situations? Otherwise, it's about time!! I missed this article. Thanks for bringing it up Charlie.

  • Trauma_Hound

    Well it's better then what we have now, however they're not exempt if they victim comes forward, they have to report it.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi TH,

    Good post. I think the reason few have viewed it may be because it really is of interest specifically to residents of WA state like ourselves.

    For what it is worth, I posted a summary of the current law in this thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=26969&page=2&site=3

    Princess & Mulan, please don't fall into the trap of thinking that since the proposed revision to existing law is incomplete it does not merit your support. I feel that "steps in the right direction" must be taken when they can. It is also possible that your supportive voice could influence the legislators to remove the proposed confidentiality exclusion. The struggle for the SilentLambs of ANY denomination needs to be taken ito the secular arena. If the WTS and others like to hide behind the inadequacies of poorly written law, we should do what we can to remove those hiding places.

    I will be sending an email of support to Ms. Dickerson and my local representatives in the State legislature.

    Edited by - Nathan Natas on 18 November 2002 12:3:30

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Way to go TH, thanks for the update. I agree, the whole statute of limitations has to go. I have tried to find out what the law is in my home state; it is so confusing and has changed over the years that no one can give me a straight answer. Same with clery confidentiality law.

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