Changes proposed in state laws to target clergy sex abuse 11/17/2002 Associated Press SEATTLE State officials and religious groups, unwilling to rely on a national policy dealing with sexually abusive priests, are seeking protection and justice for potential victims through changes in civil laws. Rep. Mary Lou Dickerson, D-Seattle, has drafted legislation to present in Olympia during the 2003 Legislative session that would add clergy to a list of those required to report any suspicions of child abuse or neglect. Joining her in her movement are former Spokane County Prosecutor Don Brockett and the Puget Sound Voice of the Faithful, a lay reform group created in response to the nation's molestation scandals. "I think the Catholic Church the lay people, not the hierarchy is going to have to address this problem," he said. "All of us Catholics are pretty upset that this could happen in the church and the hierarchy covered it up. It's a feeling of betrayal." The Voice of the Faithful also intends to work with legislators to change state laws governing mandatory reporting by clergy. Their efforts are part of a nationwide movement to change state laws governing child sexual abuse. On Wednesday, U.S. Roman Catholic bishops approved revised policy allowing bishops to conduct a confidential, preliminary inquiry when a molestation claim is made to determine whether it is plausible. If so, the accused priest is to be put on leave, then must go before a clerical tribunal to determine his guilt or innocence. Bishops are compelled to obey local civil laws when it comes to reporting abuse claims, but no more than that. However, Washington is one of about 20 states not requiring clergy to report suspicions of child abuse. State law mandates those in many professions, including psychologists, licensed child-care providers and teachers, report such suspicions, but a requirement that clergy do so was removed in the mid-1970s. "My reaction was, 'Well, we darn well better do something about that,' " Dickerson said. Her legislation would require all clergy to report suspicions of child abuse, with an exemption for abuse that's disclosed during confession or similar confidential talks. Most, if not all, states with mandatory clergy reporting have such an exemption. "I know this is a problem not only for the Catholic Church," Dickerson said. "We're talking about all clergy. We want to make sure that in this state there is an ironclad requirement to report child sex abuse." Congregation members at St. James in Seattle respond to the proposed legislation. "I do think that they haven't done that great a job reporting it themselves. Frankly I'm a little bit disappointed, said Mike Hernandez. "I think we can trust them to do it on their own. I have confidence in an organization that's been around for a couple of thousand years and has made mistakes but has always been able to come back, said John OBrien. |