After reading some posts on this forum, it is easy to see that some people here are extremely gifted. Some write beautifully. Some arguments are brilliant, too. Most of us are not up to the level of genius, although some might debate that. Do you think that you are especially intelligent? Do you have issues thinking that you shouldn't get involved in too many discussions because you're afraid that you might be outsmarted? In case you want to know what I think, I think I'm fairly intelligent and I know some on this board that are a lot sharper than me.....What about you?
Do You Think That You're Smart?
by minimus 57 Replies latest jw friends
Dizzy Cat
Not really. I have my moments.... most of us do. Strengths in different areas.
WOW MINIMUS you must have dropped everything on your schedule and ran to the computer when you thought of that post.
RIVITING stuff, you want people to reply and tell you how smart they think they are. For this kind of entertainment
i am feeling compelled to make a donation. -
No, I try my best, but some of the intellectual heavyweights here scare the hell out of me! Very few of that ilk would describe themselves as such though, someone who believes that they are incredibly smart and brags arrogantly about it I would think just by their very behaviour would disprove what they pronounce about themselves.
I see you've clocked up another 26 posts since becoming "Emperor." That's in about 24 hours!
At this rate, you'll be "Supreme" in less than 84 days!
Guest 77
Yes, I'm smart. As to being an Einstein, no. Is that the type of genius your referring to? I deal in practicality and common sense.
Guest 77
No and Yes...I'm an idiot savant.
Yes, many people tell me I'm smart, smart ass, that is.
I think all people are smart, just not smart in everything but some things. The hard part is figuring out what you are smart in.
My I.Q. is 138. Am I special?