Pacifism, like Communism, sounds great on paper but it doesnt work. All it takes is one non-pacifist to mess the whole thing up. War is part of almost every culture. Be it Islam, Christian, Norse, or Tribal. Even GOD himself is not a Pacifist! Look how many people He has killed!! Defending my beliefs and protecting my people is not War Mongering. Would you have shot Hitler or Mousilini if you had the chance? What about Stalin
TRUTHFULLY, pacifism works great IN PRACTICE. PACIFISTS can't mess anything up because they do not get invvolved with anything that is messed up or could get messed up (including false religion). Pacifists are very discernful people and recognize a bomb even BEFORE the fuse can is lit. And they walk away...
War is an ILLEGAL process of men who want power, killing men who want power, by their own whims and fancies for their OWN POWER AGENDAS secret or otherwise, with the facade of pushing it as being OK by their own brand of propaganda and feeling JUSTIFIED to those SUBJECTED to them to do the killing, bound in subjection to the men who crave POWER and WHO DEMAND and EXPECT full control OVER THEIR SUBJECTS. So MEN KILL WILLINGLY thinking "this is GOOD." WRONG.
Christ TAUGHT pure pacifism for ALL mankind, because only GOD can be JUSTIFIABLY ACTIVE in condemning men to death for what ever fashion and reason HE SEES FITS by HIS standards of JUSTICE, which are perfect.
Any man that takes another man's life is MURDER. Even in self defense, it is STILL MURDER.
There is only ONE that can take a life and it NOT be murder, that being God alone. Because ONLY HE can make that life out of NOTHING, and if it be his will to take down that life, and ONLY HE CAN BRING BACK TO LIFE THAT WHICH HAS BEEN TAKEN DOWN.
God can take a life and it NOT be murder, because HE HAS THE POWER to turn life ON AND OFF like a light switch.
No man will ever have that power. Yet they KILL.
They will ALL pay if God judges them to do so...I, I will remain as Christ taught, IN PRACTICE, as best as my imperfect human body can perform...that is all this man can do.
Edited by - pomegranate on 19 November 2002 13:14:36