1000 post today

by hippikon 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    To our dear friend Hippikon,

    Well done, mate!

    We love ya heaps!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Princess

    Congratulations Hippikon!

  • LB

    Congrats Hippikon. I see that Dutchie is also nearing a new level herself.

  • Mackin

    Congratulations you Evil Apostate.


  • hippikon

    Wow - I think this is the longest most meaningfull thread I ever started

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Hey Hippi.

    At the rate youre going youll make supreme by the time you retire at 65! Congrats anyway bro.

  • mouthy

    Oh Joy2befree!!! I go to search-write in Mouthy- then it says 100 posts -I guess I am a "dingbat" I cant see 600 anywhere .....HELP!!!

  • Joyzabel


    look to the left and see the box where your picture is at? Under the pic it says Canada, then under Canada it says posts then the number. Do you see it? Let me know.


    ps in "search" it brings up the latest 100 posts. The number under pic is how many posts you have made. Always look under your pic Hope you see your 600+number

    pps: also, see next to the number in "post" there is a big sheet of paper and a small sheet of paper. (very small, you may need your glasses to see them) Anyway if you click on the big on in your or anyone else's box it brings up all the threads started by that poster. The little sheet of paper brings up all the comments you or whomever's box you are in have posted. It is much easier than going to search all the time. Use search for "topics" you want to look up. (pst, isn't Simon clever?!!)

    Edited by - joy2bfree on 19 November 2002 9:8:6

    Edited by - joy2bfree on 19 November 2002 9:21:43

  • mouthy

    Joy2befree!!!THANK YOU!! THANK YOU! Thank You. I understand it now.... DAH!!!

    Aint I stupid!!!Oh well I had to get used to the telephone, vacum, cell phone, learn to drive,microwave,all in my life time. Thanks Joy for helping me to do this also. ( cant take my glasses off-I am blind without them.........(((((((((((((((hug))))

  • plmkrzy

    yeh hip-hip-hippikon!

    Congrats! from plum

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