either literally or figuratively?
When You Look Into The Mirror, What Do You See?
by minimus 46 Replies latest jw friends
Mirror Mirror on the wall.. who is the fairest of them all?????
I see some strange looking person looking back at me.
I'm having a bad hair day today.
Nothing, oh no! Does that mean I'm a vampire?!
Literally, another side of me.
Actually, I realize that we rarely see ourselves as others do. Thank God!
Figuratively, not much because what I am is inside beyond any mirror's range.
Blondie (Our real image is reflected in the eyes of those we love)
The most beautiful creature to ever walk this planet.....
..... until I see another grey hair.
I see someone who is showing her age hehe
oh well happens to the best of us .
I also see a very changed person, compared to a couple yrs.ago.
All for the better of course, I'm very happy with the changes.
So is my family, my children anyway and thats all that really matters!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for asking---------------Searchin50
This is a deep question for me.....What do I see..........I see a failure at times and someone who was walked over too many times.I also see a surviver and someone who has become strong.I see a kind,caring person but I can be a bitch. I don't want to be..but it just comes out.I think the JW's helped that quality come out.I see more than I want to share....at this time at least.BUT over all..I can be a great person for 95% of the time...
I see some distorted freak because the mirror breaks every time I look at it.
Edina: When you look into the mirror, what do you see?
Patsy: Me looking fabulous. You?