Michael Jackson shocks crowd in Berlin

by Brymichmom 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • glitter

    If Michael Jackson was a single dad on a housing estate he'd have had his kids taken away from him long ago.

    Who in their right mind would give birth to Michael Jackson's child and then leave him to raise it? Oh yeah - $$$.

    9 month old babies kick and wriggle and throw themselves about - if he'll endanger a baby in this way in public, what on Earth is he doing to his kids at home in private?!

    It could have been Eric Clapton's boy all over again, only this time it wouldn't have been an accident. This freak should be in jail.

    His upbringing is no excuse - plenty of kids have even worse upbringings and they don't behave like this. I dread to think what his children will grow up like.

    He's just too mental to be left in charge of children full stop.

  • found


    ROTFLMAO!! That was too funny!

  • Mary


  • RubyTuesday

    Thank you found...BTW...nice to meet you and welcome!!

    Not many people know this ..but this same crazy monkey also works as a stand in for Micheal...So if you think you are getting an authentic autograph...think again!!

    OMG....Mary....that is a great picture!!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!

    Edited by - rubytuesday on 19 November 2002 19:56:57

  • LB

    Oh Mary that's too much.

    Michael was a nice looking guy, a long time ago. Too bad he lost it.

  • sf

    Oh RubyT, that was hysterical. I was already in hysteria here:

    "Just what the hell is wrong with this guy's nose? For that matter, what the hell is the deal with the whole face? Is he trying to not look like a human anymore? (bwahhhhhhhahahaha, too funny) Well it's working because he's damn sure not a man. And who's the dumb bitch who opened her legs for this jackass in the first place? She ought to have her ass whupped! He's a fu**ing mental case child molester and if anyone needs to be held over the ledge of a building (and dropped head-first) it's him not his spawn."

    Oh, I was in tears over this.


  • Shakita



    Sooo Funny. Michael would fit right in on the next movie set of Planet of the Apes! No makeup needed!

    I saw this on the news tonight.

    If it was any regular joe, DYFS would be at his door taking that baby away. But, not Michael. Because so many people around the world saw this, maybe some action might be taken. Hope so for his kids sake.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • breeze

    There is no purpose to be served to do this kind of stunt?

    Maybe it was a doll? I don't understand the towel over it's head??

  • Farkel


    : I blame his career and entertainer friends as much as anything for why he is the way he is.

    Evidence please, or are you just making stuff up so you can blame something?


  • Swan

    Glitter wrote,

    His upbringing is no excuse - plenty of kids have even worse upbringings and they don't behave like this. I dread to think what his children will grow up like.

    This is true. I don't think anyone here is excusing this behavior. His being a JW, being abused by his father, etc. are issues that only explain his bizarre behavior, not excuse it. There is no excuse.

    Dysfunctional people often confuse explanations with excuses for their actions without ever taking responsibility for their actions. This is tactic often used by people to justify their dysfunctional behavior. In this case, his past issues help to explain this behavior, but don't ever excuse it.

    His children may grow up to be fine people (although with issues of their own, probably) in spite of this abuse. Let's hope so.


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