Ever hear of the "Three-Brain"???

by WingCommander 51 Replies latest jw friends


    WhooHoo Mary...with candid shots like that you could work for 60-Minutes.


  • NameWithheld

    Bonezz, that and the magnets you wore too. Every pioneer wore his/her salt had one!!

  • bikerchic

    First I would like to welcome you Wing Commander to the forum.

    This is a topic which has been covered here before and I never did like the way the conversation went so I just didn't participate, however today I feel less like letting a good opportunity to inform some about the reliablity of the procedure known as Kinesiology go by.

    As most forms of alternative healing aka; Acupuncture for one are misunderstood by the masses as time goes by and the use of them becomes more popular by mainstream people and looked to more than the so called medicine of today and the MDA decides there is a way to make money off these other forms of healing.........well just don't get me started. One is healing the body the other one is treating the body with drugs to mask the symptoms.

    I can only testify to my use of biokinesiology for many years. Kinesiology goes back to the early 1940's and is a proven and useful form of theapy. My experience with Kinesiology was a positive one, a physical, emotional mind and body alternating experience. I was able to overcome what was then told to me to be a severe complication of hypoglycemia and I had the physical symptoms of someone with rheumatoid arthritis. One medical doctor wanted to start treating me with steriods to alleviate the pain. I'm so thankful to this day that I didn't go that route and was told about alternative ways to treat my symptoms which is how I got started with Kinesiology. It was a long duration of chiropratic treatments, bio-feedback and herbal supliments but I am living proof that it works and would hate to gone the "other" route as one friend of mine did and unfortuanatelly she didn't survive the treatments with steriods and died due to complications of the medicine she was taking. I'm not saying that this would happen to everyone, but her quality of life deterioated all during her treatment she never was the same person and never got any relief from her pain, it was very sad to watch.

    Not long after I started feeling like my old self I began bike riding and doing 100 mile bike events to raise money for charities. Had anyone (I even surprised the Chiropractor who treated me) told me when I started my treatments that I would be riding a bike even a few yards back then I would have told them they were crazy! I could barely walk in the Chiropractor's door when I began treatment. I was like anyone skeptic that it would work and learned to not tell most of the dubs that I was going this route although it was a "sister" who gave me the name of the Chiropractor, a lot of "sisters" were going to him until they felt the Kinesiology was demonized or something. I studied up on Kinesiology and was totally comfortable with it and as it begin to work for me the more an advocate of it I became.

    As with many things in life there are those who can and will use such things to scam people at their own monetary gain, it pays to be careful and confident in the practioner.

    If you would like to become informed about this and other alternative forms of healing this is a good web site to learn about them: http://www.kinesiology.net/ Also I believe the One Brain information is there. Before chalking all alternative healing methods to scams and those who use such things for their own misguidance please inform yourselves as to the validity of them and understand that there are many honest and good practioners of such alternative healing methods.

    bc (stepping off my soap box now......)

  • blondie

    Is this the same as the Electronic Radio Biola?


    The Watchtower Society in The Golden Age magazine promoted numerous highly questionable medical cures and remedies. Some of these were more related to the occult arts than medical science. One of these endorsements was of the electronic theory of disease of Dr. Albert Abrams . Several machines and techniques were developed by Dr. Abrams and by his supporters after his death in 1924. Some of these were used by International Bible Students (JWs) on the recommendation of the Watchtower Society in The Golden Age . These devices supposedly diagnosed and cured diseases of all kinds. One of these machines, the Electronic Radio Biola, was invented by a Bible Student and advertised for sale in The Golden Age magazine.......continues on

  • Bendrr

    I've seen and heard of too many gimmicks to put much faith in what doesn't come from a doctor who's spent many years and many tens of thousands of dollars to get where he or she is. So many of these gimmicks are really multi-level marketing once you examine them closer. They don't make anything better except for the bank accounts of the people at the top of the pyramid.

    And I've seen plenty of them. Bee pollen comes to mind. Back in the 80's it was a big seller among a lot of dubs and if you took it's promises seriously then you'd believe that it did everything short of make you live forever. Where is it now? Now I'm told that if I put magnets in certain places on my body that it will give me everything short of eternal life. Well my doctor doesn't prescribe anything magnetic but I can buy a magnetic bracelet for 99 cents at a convenience store. Sure. Ok. Whatever. Yawn.


  • Bendrr

    Oh and another thing.

    Bikerchic, maybe it was the chiropractic therapy itself that helped you.

    Chiropractors have always done wonders for me, even though I didn't make all the visits they wanted me to.


  • rem

    Some information on Applied Kinesiology (AK):


    They believe that muscles reflect the flow of ch'i and that by measuring muscle resistance one can determine the health of bodily organs. For example, practitioners claim that they can determine nutritional deficiencies by testing muscle resistance. This is an empirical claim and has been tested (Kenny, "Applied Kinesiology Unreliable for Assessing Nutrient Status," Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 88:698-704, 1988.). The test showed that the claim is false.


    Controlled studies of AK muscle-testing have repeatedly shown that responses are random under conditions where both the tester and test subject are unaware of the substance being tested [8-10], but the AK experience can be very persuasive under uncontrolled conditions because people can definitely feel the differences in responses. The subjective experience can be overwhelming and turns many patients into believers.

    Note, Applied Kinesiology (AK) should not be confused with the science of kinesiology which is the study of the principles of mechanics and anatomy in relation to human movement.


  • found

    Sor what is the difference between biokinesiology and applied kinesiology and kinesiology? Just wondering, cause I'm a little confused. ( been many years since my bio class!)

  • Mulan

    Good grief!

    It's a real science people!! My father practiced it, and I learned it. It works. I do it all the time. The WTS called it divination. Our CO, in 1992 threatened to df a couple of sisters who had trained extensively in this science and were making a good living. They were pretty much financially ruined by the uproar over it in our area.

    Ignorance is bliss, I guess. You can accuse anybody of anything, if you think you know about something. Better to wait until you try it before you criticize.

    And to those who put up web site URL's................you can write anything and have it on your web page. It doesn't make it credible, true, or reliable.

    And............I'm not mad at anyone. Just frustrated. I admit, in the beginning I thought it was ridiculous, and "how can that work?" Then I tried it, had it done to me, and now I do it. It DOES work.

  • VeniceIT

    Talk about not having a clue!!!!

    It has NOTHING to do with divination but is purly scientific and can be explained through basic electricity.

    Many Doctors do use this, and or magnets and other theropies YES MD's. Of course there have been some quacks out there, but the main reason that it gets put down or 'slandered' is because it does work, and they haven't have you actually curing people. You need to keep them on meds so the pharmicuticaly companies that practically run this country can keep making their money.

    Did you know they actually had to pass a law agaisnt certain drug companies sending Drs who prescribed the most of their drug on trips and cash prizes???? How sick is that.

    If the could CURE cancer, diabetes, and a number of other health problems the drug companies would crumble, and we can't have that now can we???

    No so they have launched a massive attack agaisn't anything that doesn't follow with their plan, to hell with the patients. Here in FL do you know how you get put on a Quack watch???? By haveing too much success with your patients. Not one Dr put on it in the past several years has had a singel complaint from a patient, yet the MD that runs the board has 12 outstanding malpractice lawsuits agaisnt him. things that make u go hmmmmmmmmmmmmm..............


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