I just saw president Bush on the TV. He was saying in his very slow way of speaking "we must defend ourselves against the enemies of freedom"and "a great evil is upon the world". And all of a sudden I had this thought "what if the JW are right..." Yikes! I even scared myself with that thought. *Gone to wash my mind with some alcohol or stuff*
creepy thinking
by Vivamus 14 Replies latest jw friends
Bush has been speaking in these absolutes since Sept. 11. He had a speech in which he declared the US had a responsibility to "rid the world of evil". It seems he is suggesting that the US has the right to decide what is evil and is sanctioned to remove what it feels is evil. Fortunately, there's some people who speak in more realistic terms. There was an article in the Washington post yesterday that is part of series about the "war on terrorism". Yesterday's installment focused on an interview with G. W. Bush and his wife. His own wife has asked him to "tone down the rhetoric." And he admits that.
The link for yesterday's article is here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A7596-2002Nov18.html
Edited to add link.Edited by - Maxwell on 20 November 2002 12:8:52
Cardinal Fang
I sometimes think that the mind of an XJW is like a former battlefield seeded with with mines; the war might be long over, but the mines are still there, waiting to be triggered... I remember the same stab of fear when 9/11 happened; fortunately, I was able to give myself a mental *slap* and say "remember, you thought it was The Big A/'peace and security' when the Berlin Wall came down, twelve years before!"
For me, it just demonstrates how deeply implanted the WT programming is - I know there are people much further away in time from the WT than myself who sometimes struggle with the same thinking. Always makes me think of the lyrics from'Hotel California' - "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave..."
I think it's normal to have thoughts like that......after all, it was drilled into our heads for years!
The bible does talk about "Armageddon", but from what I see going on around us, it doesn't really fit the pattern. Doesn't Daniel talk about a pushing with the King of the North and the King of the South? I think during the Cold War, every one thought this was talking about the USA and the USSR. Although we came perilously close to WWIII during the Cuban Missle Crisis, it didn't happen.
I too, at times, think "geeze, maybe this IS the beginning of The End..........."
Who knows what the future holds?
you seem like a reasonable person. the nameless one say you should keep open mind. jw might be right about armageddon. bush seem intent on fighting iraq and cracking down on terrorist. who know? bush actions might lead to armageddon. false religion may fall. the unclean expressions could be leading the rulers of the earth to armageddon. make up your own mind.
the nameless one
Fact is humans have the ability to destroy themselves or make life on this ball very unpleasant for everyone (left alive). But that has NO bearing on a mythical sky-daddy's perhaps manipulation on people. It's just humans doing what we have always done. We just have bigger and badder toys now. If we kill ourselves it will have been by our own doing.
I have my thoughts but I won't express them here!
Jim, I wish you would. I'm sincerely interested in hearing them.
Cardinal, I liked your analogy.
Jim, do you mean you have a specific opinion about americans, about the world, or about nutty me?
Thanx for the replies. I know it takes time to get rid of the brainwashing. It just took me by surprise.
I'll protect you from all the bad guys Viv
Please try to keep in mind that the Bible's been around a very long time.
Can you not imagine that people felt this exact same way at the cusp of WWI? WWII? And at a host of other troubled times?
The bottom line is, it doesn't matter.
JWs are obsessed with knowing, learning, finding out, professing, declaring WHAT and WHEN, like they have some inside secret track.
It just doesn't matter.
The time invested in such nonsense would be better put to use showing love and sensitivity to the people around you.
And - for JWs - pondering the true meanings of 'truth' and 'deception'.
'IT' is about how we live our lives, each and every day and all the time. And thank God we have both forgiveness and grace cuz', try tho we might - on top of it all....we just ain't perfect.
And yes, I once went through that and, thankfully, I don't anymore.
Edited by - Dia on 20 November 2002 17:10:57
Edited by - Dia on 20 November 2002 17:13:33